start time

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Senior Member
We had a start time of 7 AM but just adjusted to 8AM when the time changed I think this will work out better as most of our work depends on people meeting us or stores being open but alot of construction has a 7AM start time.anyone else adjust your hours?
I do 6 to 2:30 or 6 to 2 by choice but that works fine where I have been assigned.

If you have to meet people and deal with office hours 8 AM does make sense.
I did some work at a functioning hotel once and the start time was adjusted to 8 for obvious reasons. The later start and end times made for a brutal commute though.
We do a lot of service type work and start at 7:30. Trucks roll out around 8 after they are cleaned/restocked and everybody knows where they are going.

No DST in AZ.
i would rather start around 9 and work till 5. a lot of customers we go to especially residential dont want us there early since they like to sleep late. also wouldnt mind working second shift (3 to 11) nice hours plus get out in time to go to the bar at the peak hour :grin: i worked nights (9 till 7 am) and hated it but i wouldnt mind doing it if i was the boss and owned the company. we used to do a lot of work in grocery stores like changing ballasts and run new circuits for things and we couldnt do that during the day since customers would get in the way and ask questions
The EC's that I used to work for wanted us to start at 6:45. You didnt get paid untill 7:00 and the "gratis" 15 minutes was ment to make up for coffee break. It always seemed a bit early to me for the same reason some other guys listed.
electricalperson said:
we used to do a lot of work in grocery stores like changing ballasts and run new circuits for things and we couldnt do that during the day since customers would get in the way and ask questions

Sure it wasn't the ladder blocking the soda and chips aisle?? Or the beer and wine aisle???
e57 said:
Sure it wasn't the ladder blocking the soda and chips aisle?? Or the beer and wine aisle???
probably that too. we used scissor lifts :) forgot to mention that we were probably in the way. but i thought it was always better to work when no one was around to bother us
7:00 to 3:30, nothing special, but my boss and I usually show up late... :grin: I usually leave the job at 4:00 by the time i'm done cleaning up, but it depends...
I work in very Large Pharmacutical Labs Pzier,Lilly,etc... So we have to start at 7:00 because that's when they open. Most construction starts at 6:00 here.Here in San Diego everyone surfs so when I get off most of my co-workers have been in the water for at least an hour when I get off.Plus I have alot more traffic to deal with.
stickboy1375 said:
7:00 to 3:30, nothing special, but my boss and I usually show up late... :grin: I usually leave the job at 4:00 by the time i'm done cleaning up, but it depends...
can i work with you when I get my license?
Anywhere from 7:00 AM to 6:59 AM, start time is job specific. Though the 8:00PM-3:00 AM jobs I let the younger guys handle, those hours just seem to wear me out anymore.
For us it depends on the project. If we are doing commercial construction we conform to the 7-3:30 schedule most others follow. Resi service or if doing an addition (any work when the HO is on the home) we'll go from 9-5:30. I've found that people like to be able to get the kids out of the door etc w/o having a bunch of construction workers lurking about.
7 to whenever. when the time changed I started going in at 630 so I could get an extra hour of sleep till the sun came up
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