I once said if I won the lottery I would keep doing electrical work until I used up all my winnings! Going into business for your self in the trades is a crapshoot at best these days. You have customers that won't pay you and suppliers that will cut you off if you don't pay them, you have unlicensed contractors that eat away at the profitable service call industry and licensed contractors who will prostitute themselves for pennies just to put food on their tables and gas in their service trucks.
Write a business plan, know who all of your competition is, including the unlicensed ones, know what the customers want and are willing to pay for. And most of all, know how long you can survive with no money coming in, and paying the maximum out for manpower, materials, taxes,and other overhead. Know your credit limit, know whether your family will support you working 16 hours a day, seven days a week, and know someone you can live with when it all gets taken away from you. Other than that, there is not too much to worry about.