Yes, I would dearly love to see the adverse health of "dirty" electricity discounted and discredited.
I'm no expert but spent quite a while examining the results. Invariably, when levels are high and people have been exposed, their health suffers in a variety of ways. For example, even a short-term remediation improved the health of those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. The pilot study was conducted by a medical researcher but (oddly) never published. It should be relatively easy to design and conduct such a study.
You'd think there would be considerable interest, given some of the claims. There ain't. As long as it sticks to a theoretical discussion, you can argue that poor power can't possibly harm people and you'd be right as rain.
If anyone's interested, contact me and I'll send you some results of some research. It isn't the gold standard of medical research, but it's certainly interesting. You can conduct your own mini-experiment by leaving your dimmer switches slightly on for a week. The more the merrier. Let me know how you feel after a week or so.....