Not all homeowners carry mortgage therefore no need for mortgage financier.. I don't have mortgage payment for years now.
I paid all my debts a year before I retired. Most retirees like me don't carry mortgage.
Most insurance companies don't insure properties with encumbrances ie being litigated in court as in the case of a contractor's lien.
well, anyone, even the lowliest apprentice, has recourse of a mechanics lein
in california.
when i was a lowly muppet, first year, shortly after the discovery of electricity,
i worked on a housing tract and benefits were not paid by the contractor for
several months. i asked the apprenticeship director if this was normal. not for
a state indentured apprentice it isn't, he replied.
as i'd boxed a tract of houses, and worked in each of them, briefly, the business
agent placed a lein *every single house* in the tract. Shea homes delivered a cashier's
check for all my back benefits, and everyone else's on the crew to the union hall
the next day, and took it out of the contractors draw.
so, a mechanic can file a lien on your property, and it'll sit there until you sell the property.
it'll also sit on your credit profile, etc.