Strange Inspector Question

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I don't know NC laws but here in La. a fire barrier does not create separate structures. A fire wall does.

The way he explained it is a fire wall is rated that if there were something catastrophic on one side, say a fire, and that part of the structure collapsed the fire wall would stay intact. But with sprinklers and a rated fire barrier it serves the same purpose for splitting the building as two separate structures.
The way it is done here is one transformer will feed multiple troughs and each trough will have up to six meters and disconnects.

Multiple services are permitted to a single building by 230.2(A) through (D). If you can't meet any of those conditions then you can only have one service. If the AHJ approves of a barrier as an acceptable separation that creates separate buildings then each building can have its own service or multiple services if 230.2(A) through (D) would apply.

Wiring from one separate building section can not supply circuits in another separate building section. You may have a way around this if it were brought to a disconnect adjacent to the service equipment, low voltage control circuits between separate building sections is a good way to control certain items if needed.
I would think a 100,000 sq ft strip mall would easily qualify under 230.2(B) and 230.2(C). NC and La. both follow IBC. IBC requires fire walls not fire barriers to qualify as seperate structures. If a building qualifies for multiple services under 230.2 then there is no need to have multiple house panels, the building would be one structure.
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