Stressed out in NC over future in Electrical Construction

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Bob, thanks..but nobody owes me anything...I wasn't drafted, and I certainly didn't keep reenlisting for the $$. I serve because I love the country and for which it stands...unfortunately I can't stay in and do my full 20.

Anywho..the licensing thing is a pride thing with me. I was very proud of myself for completing the Technical College and passing the test on the first attempt...that was the culmination of my accomplishments up to that point in my life.

I just simply want to have a fair shot at a job I love, be paid decently, and more importantly have a good life for myself and my family. That's it.

I do have GI Bill benefits which I have paid into and will hopefully get to utilize them. If I get hired by a apprenticeship of some sorts I can be paid a monthly stipend by the VA in conjunction with the wages.

I'm actually pretty burned out on NC, I've been here minus deployments since April of 96', it's time for a change.
NC_Electrician said:
I'm actually pretty burned out on NC, I've been here minus deployments since April of 96', it's time for a change.
Head North young man....the pay is higher and the girls all look different in the summer ;) (As oppossed to the winter when most everyone looks like a walrus :D :D :D)
Dnkldorf said:
NC, no thoughts of starting your own business, and taking the tool belts off for good?

Not for a long time...Hell, I have to get confident in myself first before I even think about starting my own business, if ever.

Head North young man....the pay is higher and the girls all look different in the summer (As oppossed to the winter when most everyone looks like a walrus )

LMAO:cool: :smile: :grin:
I'm from Maine...I know all about the cold...I like the South, just burned out on NC...maybe it's the area..I dunno...:-?
Have you given any thought to returning to Maine... Is it possible to renew your Maine license? I have worked in Maine - construction of Power Plants in Lincoln and near Machias, and also in NC, in Roanoke Rapids. The quality of the electricians in Maine was much higher. The Electrical contractor in NC used low paid non licensed electricians, with little experience, and helpers without any experience.....And paid them terribly.... The super yelled and screamed at them for more and more speed - and forget any kind of quality. That contractor and his crew did finally get run off the job. If nothing works out - check Alaska job listing. Prudhoe Bay usually needs electricians and apprentices. You might find something with a 4 week on 2 week off - and at a decent wage. That could get you back in the trade, and some current experience for the resume. As a former 2 enlistment Marine from many years ago I know the Marine attitude to be the best - we need you!
You may want to think of relocating to the Washington D.C. Metro area. IBEW Local 26 is recruiting pretty hard and most of the jobs are Homeland Security which means you sometimes need security clearances which you may be qualified for. You could get in the apprenticeship and get educated, i doubt if you could start straight in as an AJW without some sort of license. Check out their web site, it lists wages. Good Luck

P.S. I have a good friend who joined the Marines in September. He's stationed at camp lageune also.....small world.
Master Electrician
Virginia and West Virginia
Thanks BossMan20....

Maine was pretty stringent on their electrician licensing and couldn't legally turn a screw without at least a Helper's license. I worked out of Old Town ME at (the now closed) 3E Electrical Contractor, and they had some pretty sharp guys working for them, I learned a LOT from them.

I'm still talking with the Local out of TN now about my future with them, and VA has stepped in to help me with their Vocational Rehabilitation program for disabled vets, so hopefully something positive will come out of it for me.

NC (and most other Southern States) confuzzle the crap out of me with their licensing (or lack thereof) procedures. Being from the North, I generally think Journeyman, Limited Master, or full Master Electrician with supplemental Contractor licenses.

Much, much different here in NC...I've met some good folks who knew what they were doing, but I've also seen some Jerry's Kids and what they've done:-? at certain jobs..kinda frightening.

Just thinking about it logically, you would "assume" that there would be fewer contractors then electricians, as not everybody wants to work for themselves or be responsible for the entire operation. A license, aside from the safety and knowledge aspect, is essentially a tax which the gaining entitiy recives to allow you to ply your trade. Here, every "licensed" electrician is essentially a contractor, dependent on the "tax" of the license recieved. If NC made ALL electricians accountable and to acquire some type of license (helper, apprentice, journeyman etc.) one would think that A) the quality of the work performed would improve, and B) that there would be more income via licensing across the spectrum vice the smaller "contractor" licenses.

I confuzzles me...

BossMan...please shoot me a PM if you can, I'd love to talk to you offline about some things if you have time:D

P.S. Yes...Lejeune is pretty much roughly 1/2 of the US Marine Corps assets if you include the Air Stations at Cherry Point and New River NC...Lejeune itself is 200 square miles....coming through the gate is 2 lane at 55 MPH for a few miles until you hit anything:D
Go West Young Man

Go West Young Man


From what I read, you definitely have what the industry needs. If the IBEW does reject you due to age, keep in mind work and wages are pretty attractive in the sunbelt region; Arizona to be specific. Winters are mild while summer rhymes with "well" but here the contractors have been crying for electricians for several years now.

Arizona is a Right to Work State, however if that bothers you. Your comments regarding your service to our country are a breath of fresh air and you are without a doubt a marketable commodity in this industry.
BossMan20 said:
You may want to think of relocating to the Washington D.C. Metro area. IBEW Local 26 is recruiting pretty hard and most of the jobs are Homeland Security .

Mark I'm located in DC (also local 26) and if he can breath, with a military back ground, has any experience and has a SECURITY CLEARENCE of any kind, I bet he could be hired as an AJW ASAP.

And it is almost spring, well except for this weekend.
Reply to Celtic

Reply to Celtic

Sorry to be so long replying; I went out to supper with my family and then had to do somewhat of a search online to get a feel for the wages. I closed my business about a year ago and at that time we were paying JW's around $20.00 to $23.00. Online I see ranges from $15.00 to $23.00 but very few are posting wages. That range probably doesn't seem like a lot compared to your area but compared to the $14.00 our friend was offered, it's quite a jump. I do know quite a few contractors and could probably get more information during the normal work week. I see that there are still a few contractors posting their company benefits + hiring bonuses so work is still quite good in our desert area. Commercial jobs seem to be the most available presently. I hope this information helps.

Take care,
NC Electrcian whats the work situation in Tenn. right now? Last i heard things have been slow for the locals in that area. A few years back we had a lot of guys from Tenn. working up here as travelers, from what they told me most of their career is spent working outside of the jurisdiction. Just a thought before you relocate to that part of the country. I would suggest setting up somewhere near a major city, good luck in your search. Thanks for serving.
well..... you do have options.....

well..... you do have options.....

"Now, I'm questioning the possibility of being involved with the IBEW as a JW, but I don't know if my age will screw me or being a disabled veteran."

most ibew (i've been every where) locals have an organizing agent.
that would be your first contact. if relocating is an option, given what
you've said, LADWP would give credit for you military service, and they
have their own in house apprenticeship program. three years, and you
become a journeyman EM. they have a pension that is to die for, and
it's a lifetime job. depending on overtime, you can also hit 100k a year.

however, it's on the left coast, and LA isn't everyone's cup of tea.

NC Licensure requirements

NC Licensure requirements

I work in Nc in Raleigh. The money is decent but not great. It is a lot better than what I encountered in Vermont paywise. As far as licensing goes New England is head and shoulders above North Carolina. Nc does not require schooling which I think is a big mistake. All they care about is hours (8000 primary). They also want except my hours as an apprentice in Vermont for primary hours. This is funny. I learned more in 2 1/2 years in Vermont as an apprentice than I would in 10 years down here.
NC Electrician,
What about working for a civilian contractor overseas?
A buddy is a retired Ranger instructor working in Iraq making some big bucks he is involved with training the Iraqi soldiers. You could put your military training to use there or work as an electrician over there.
If you want PM me your e/mail address and I'll forward it to my buddy.

Thanks for serving our country.


Food for thought.
I run two types of shops, One union ,one not, Our average Journeyman makes about $15 in a non union shop, Our masters average about $25 per hour. It's about double that rate in our union shop.
Hope that helps.
New Jersey Based Contractor here
This is refered to as a double breasted shop

I thought that was prohibited by the IBEW

perhaps it's only Local 26
Food for thought.
I run two types of shops, One union ,one not, Our average Journeyman makes about $15 in a non union shop, Our masters average about $25 per hour. It's about double that rate in our union shop.
Hope that helps.
New Jersey Based Contractor here

My Helpers make more than 15/hr. Avg 18/hr Helper. These are both 4+yr Helpers. Someday one of them will get a Lic! Although ,I've heard that rates in NC are lower. But I don't really know.

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