Sub Panel - 2nd Floor - Attached Structure

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New member
Milford, Conn
I own a old 4 bedroom colonial.... Built back in the 1920s; A dormer was added on to the home back in the late 80s and they updated "some" of the electrical. I'm in the process of remodeling my 2nd floor (Master Bedroom/Bathroom, etc)and with it run all new electrical. I've been toying with the idea of adding a 100A Sub-panel on the 2nd floor to make my life easy running new circuits, (a lot easier to run a single 6/3 to the panel rather then home runs back to the main panel in the basement plus most of the older Romex is all daisy-chained so who knows what I would find).

My only question is can I run the 6/3 (or similar)in open air, since its in the same attached structure or do I need to put it in conduit?
Also another quick question.... I was planning on pulling a permit to do add the panel a few guys I worked with had opposing opinions. I figured do it right and pull the permit. I'm a EE not a E-1... (But I can pull a homeowners permit with the town.)

Just wanted some thoughts and feedback, I had seen a ton of posts on the Neutral/Ground bond in the Main Panel and splitting the bond on the "Sub" Panel...which should make my life easier too...

Thank You!
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