Sub Panel Thoughts

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New User
Chatham, NY
I am hoping someone can help me think through this:
Recently ran out of room in a QO Load center 12 space box. I need to add a 2pole, 30amp circuit. Setting aside total capacity for a moment, I plan to do the following
- install sub panel, 6 or 8 space, feed with 60amp 2pole breaker from main box
- Will run two hots from the 60 breaker, a neutral from main box bus and separate ground from main box bus. The neutral will go to neutral bus in sub, and the ground will go to ground bus in sub. The bonding screw in sub will be removed, isolating neutral and ground in the sub. I understand I need 4ga copper, 4 conductor for the connection between the two boxes.
- Two breakers will go in the sub, both 30amp, 2pole. One will feed a 4 wire dryer circuit (two hots off breaker, neutral from neutral bus, ground from ground bus) The other will feed an electric water heater, which is a 10-2, 2 hots and a bare ground. Two hots off the breaker, ground to the ground bus).

Am I missing anything?

Dennis Alwon

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Chapel Hill, NC
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