Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

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Retired Electrician
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

Originally posted by allenwayne:
In Florida there are no certifications to be a home inspector :D
At this time, that's more than it takes to go to work in the electrical field in FL.


[ August 19, 2005, 05:53 PM: Message edited by: roger ]


Senior Member
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

Roger,you have it figured perfect.Very few men even bother to get a journeymans card,its only value is it is required step if they ever want a masters.It is not required for any job.And many EC have 20 or more jobs and 200 men running every day and never even see the job.This is why wages are so low here.They can hire a kid out of highschool and if he can meet all the codes he can wire anything his boss pulled a permit on.Yet a card carrying journeyman can not even hang a ceiling fan on his own.This has resulted in lots of handymen doing electrical without permits.A florida EC license amounts to relicensing thru the company and some do it as piece work.EC is called the go to jail person.If anything goes wrong it is his insurance and license they go after.I very much wish they started to require a journeymans card,then i would see some money :mad: :mad: :mad:
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

I feel much better about this particular subject. I had it inspected by the county they approved and this guy comes in and makes it sound like I did a crappy job. I hope that you all have a great weekend. I know mine will get better.

Any specific comments about 7 or more throws in an attached garage sub panel would be interesting but as I said there are only 6. I'd post a picture but i'd have to make a we site to link to. Thanks guys again.


Senior Member
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

Your legal even if it is a detached garage.You never made this clear.You said it was 10 feet away from outdoor panel.

I would not let what a HI said cause me to loose a minutes sleep.But i will say i am looking into getting into that buisness.Think they get about $200 for maybe 2 or 3 hours work.4 of them a week and i am as well off as working 40 as an electrician.Not saying they are worth even 2 cents but if people will pay for an opinion i will give them one. ;)


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Retired Electrician
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

Jim, it's not that I have it figured perfectly, I know.

I was doing electrical work in central FL in the 70's, and still have ties (some consulting) to central FL today.

Now, given your post, why do you think it is justified to criticize, (or crack on the ease of licensing) a HI when he is simply performing an inspection whose findings can be corrected or ignored, when the professional entity arrives?

I would say there are more incompetent electrical workers in FL than incompetent HI's

Very few men even bother to get a journeymans card,its only value is it is required step if they ever want a masters.It is not required for any job
What has happened to personal achievement? :roll:


[ August 19, 2005, 06:31 PM: Message edited by: roger ]


Senior Member
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

Roger,what bothers me about the average HI is he knows very little but is costing a buyer money and then causes them to spend even more money to hire an electrician to end up telling the buyer there is nothing wrong.How can anyone call that fair ? Atleast if that unlicensed electrician does something wrong it gets fixed free.If i was to hire a HI i would like to think he was atleast a journeyman level trades man in every trade he is inspecting,card is not the issue but some skill level is.

"I would say there are more incompetent electrical workers in FL than incompetent HI's"

I think it is a tie and thats being honest

[ August 19, 2005, 06:39 PM: Message edited by: jimwalker ]


Staff member
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

Originally posted by jimwalker:
"I would say there are more incompetent electrical workers in FL than incompetent HI's"

I think it is a tie and thats being honest
Well that will be a tough one to come up with a definite answer.

However an HI does not install anything, at worst they miss a safety violation that was already existing.

An incompetent electrician is truly a hazard, they will actually cause new safety violations.

I'll gladly deal with 100 bad HIs over one busy incompetent electrician.


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Retired Electrician
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

what bothers me about the average HI is he knows very little but is costing a buyer money and then causes them to spend even more money to hire an electrician
I think we can change that sentence very easily to read as follows.

What bothers me about the average electrical worker is he knows very little but is costing a buyer money and then causes them to spend even more money to hire an electrician.

Atleast if that unlicensed electrician does something wrong it gets fixed free.
How do you know?

"I would say there are more incompetent electrical workers in FL than incompetent HI's"

I think it is a tie and thats being honest
Do you really think there are that many HI's in the state?

Now, you didn't address this.

What has happened to personal achievement?


Senior Member
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

Bob,i will agree on that point.

"What has happened to personal achievement? "
About the same thing as paychecks.When a man gets a promotion or raise he feels he has achieved something.If employers told there men there is an extra $1 an hour if you get a card the next exam will have standing room only.

[ August 19, 2005, 06:59 PM: Message edited by: jimwalker ]


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Retired Electrician
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

About the same thing as paychecks.When a man gets a promotion or raise he feels he has achieved something.If employers told there men there is an extra $1 an hour if you get a card the next exam will have standing room only.
so, are you saying that in your life it's all about money?



Senior Member
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

If starting monday all jobs required a journeyman with a card 90% of the jobs in Florida would come to a hault.Your doing good if they have a green card.And those that have or can pass the test will be seeing money.Too many are fighting to keep it as is.The EC sure doesnt want this.The builder would be paying more money so he won't vote for it.And the end user (home buyer)would pay more and few of them know that an $8 hour helper with less than a year of training has wired there $200,000 new home.So if anyone has any good ideas on how to change this please come forward.

"Maybe it's just me but I'm getting a real giggle out of that. " i would too if it wasn't so true :)

[ August 19, 2005, 07:10 PM: Message edited by: jimwalker ]


Senior Member
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

Im sure not in this for the money.That stopped over 15 years ago.I do enjoy the work or been out of this long ago.Within next 6 months to a year some other buisnesses i have going will start to pay off and then taking tool belt off.Electricians in Florida are no longer respected and few kids are headed into this field.Perhaps it is better up north.2 things keep me here i don't like snow or cold weather.Huricanes i can deal with.


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New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

Any specific comments about 7 or more throws in an attached garage sub panel would be interesting but as I said there are only 6. I'd post a picture but i'd have to make a we site to link to. Thanks guys again.
6, 7, or 20 for that matter wouldn't make a difference if the garage is attached, but if the garage is an unattached structure than after 6 CB's you would need a main at the garage. This would not apply to an attached garage with 7 or more CB's.
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