From the pics it looks like the lightning arrester blew, and also the station service transformer connected to one phase burned its primary lead off. If the snake caused all that, then they definitely have some relay issues. All damage appears to be on the load side of the transformers, and that's the part that is relay protected in most substations. that I've shot off my mouth enough, thanks much for the pics. Amazing amount of damage and the arc video shows that it lasted a LONG time. Sure would like to know why nothing tripped. We have suicidal squirrels fairly often, but they always trip SOMETHING. Usually the bus differentials or the ground fault relays. I will have to say, though, that smaller subs probably don't have that level of protection. But even a primary fuse would have saved a bunch of damage and they are kinda no-brainers. Too much current and they blow! No battery, wiring, etc. One noticeable thing is that the station service transformer looks like it was directly connected to the bus, with no cutout (fuse) between. Never a good idea. Could be where all the problems started.