Sum of breakers not to exeeded 300% ???

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Having seen this general type of question and response an innumerable number of times, it makes me wonder why there isn't some kind of standard form for a "red tag" that requires a reference to the code that is violated? Could/should the NEC require (and include) such a form? Though, of course, the AHJ could always choose to do otherwise...

nec does not deal with inspections, license or local issues.
nec does not deal with inspections, license or local issues.

I can see keeping away from "license" or "local issues" since that has nothing to do with NEC, but it seems very reasonable to me for NEC to have a chapter dealing with inspection for NEC compliance. Why should inspection be left out when design and installation is not? As with everything else, the AHJ can always decide what to adopt or not.
I think they may have tried to go in that direction with Article 80 which is now located in the Annex G at the rear of the NEC. However it must be specifically adopted by an area before it applies and I do not think many places have adopted it at all.

Personally I think the NEC should stick to electrical safety and let the inspection requirements to each area. :smile:

I find 80.13(5) a bit disturbing, 'The AHJ shall be authorized to inspect at all reasonable times any building or structures for hazards'.
Personally I think the NEC should stick to electrical safety and let the inspection requirements to each area. :smile:

I guess I would agree to some extent, but it seems that there is an ongoing lack of proper inspection process (at least in terms of violation notification) that might be improved upon by some NEC guidance. Again, any AHJ could always choose to not adopt.

I find 80.13(5) a bit disturbing, 'The AHJ shall be authorized to inspect at all reasonable times any building or structures for hazards'.

Hmmm... That one might actually be a case for the 4th amendment, no?
Wow how did we get here. It sounds like some have had a bad day.
Happy 4th to all of you.
May your inspections go well
Electricians who couldn't make it as electricians? :cool:

OUch! Though, I have always heard: "inspectors are Architects/Engineers that couldnt make it"

No offence is intended to the inspectors here on this board, You are the few that actually only enforce the code and not 'what you want to see'

Wow how did we get here. It sounds like some have had a bad day.
Happy 4th to all of you.
May your inspections go well

Is this in response to my post?!? I'm an electrical engineer and am actually not currently involved in a direct way with any implementations subject to NEC requirements. I've got tomorrow paid off, and am pretty happy about it! :) My comments have more to do with my experience with other standards and their associated compliance requirements, and how the questions with respect to NEC related inspection violations seem to differ with respect to violations of the standards of which I most commonly work with. A violation of "yeah, you failed" just doesn't seem to cut it - a documented reason would seem to be required. Otherwise, you pass.
Oh I forgot.
If you put the back-feed before the Main breaker then your PV supply can be greater and up to the rating of the Service. This method does not limit one to say 40 amps if you have a 200 amp service.

How do you install a breaker before the main breaker?
not that I can remember, but I think there is a standard that limits the size of a breaker that can be added to the panel( But I may have that wrong). I thought a 200A panel would not accept say a breaker larger than 125 or 150??

that's not true,,,,,you could put a 200,,,ina 200,,,,,ina 200
if you wanted
I've seen these used in two different locations,,,,and in both instances the owner was under the impression they had a 400 amp service. They assumed because they had (2) 200 amp panels,,,,that they had a 400 amp service. Both owners were surprised to hear that they only had a 200 amp serice
Maybe mechanically they can't do the work but they should at least know the NEC as well, if not better than, a real electrician. I had an inspector once tell that the kitchen island needed 2 receptacles because it was longer than 5 feet. Really? Where can I find that requirement?

Actually an island used to have the same requierments as the counter for spacing, as did a pennisula, but it was changed two or three code cycles back. Sometimes you remeber something, but you just can't remember which year it was in effect.
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