Supplemental Disconnects???

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Doesn't matter. It must still remain at the very least accessible (as opposed to readily accessible). Additionally, switches and circuit breakers must always be operable from a readily accessible location, even if the equipment itself is only accessible. This is stipulated in the first sentence of 404.8(A) and the Exceptions thereto do not rescind that requirement.

When you connect motors they are always in readily accessible locations? Can I work where you do?

When around grain elevators there is no place "within sight" (meaning 50 feet or less) of a lot of the motors that is also "readily accessible", and the closest "practical" places often do not have 110.26 clearances.

If I have to climb a 125 foot leg to change the belt or some other maintenance task I want to lock that thing off at the top where I am going to be and not someplace else. All other potential places to put the disconnect within 50 feet of the motor are no better accessibility wise than at the motor itself, as all there is between the motor and the ground is ladders or if you are lucky - stairs. The ladders or stairs are usually permanent and may make this considered "readily accessible". But I think after climbing 125 feet to get there it is not really that "readily accessible", it is quite the task for a fat boy to climb there, I can accurately say that:happyyes:
When you connect motors they are always in readily accessible locations? Can I work where you do?

When around grain elevators there is no place "within sight" (meaning 50 feet or less) of a lot of the motors that is also "readily accessible", and the closest "practical" places often do not have 110.26 clearances.

If I have to climb a 125 foot leg to change the belt or some other maintenance task I want to lock that thing off at the top where I am going to be and not someplace else. All other potential places to put the disconnect within 50 feet of the motor are no better accessibility wise than at the motor itself, as all there is between the motor and the ground is ladders or if you are lucky - stairs. The ladders or stairs are usually permanent and may make this considered "readily accessible". But I think after climbing 125 feet to get there it is not really that "readily accessible", it is quite the task for a fat boy to climb there, I can accurately say that:happyyes:
Practicability is a matter for debate... I grant you that. I'm just elaborating on what the Code says... nothing more, nothing less. :eek:hmy: .... :happyyes:
Practicability is a matter for debate... I grant you that. I'm just elaborating on what the Code says... nothing more, nothing less. :eek:hmy: .... :happyyes:

I will say that 110.26 requierments for such a disconnect has been debated to death before on this forum and IMO with no clear winner - usually the circumstances are over a disconnect at an air conditioning unit, but IMO you could replace AC unit in those threads with any equipment that requires a disconnect within sight.
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