Supplemental ground rod question

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My guess is that in case of lightning causing a voltage gradient in the ground he is trying to encourage the charge to take a path that is other than through the feeder conduit. Causes no problems if everything else is to code.
I would phrase that a little differently.
He is trying to insure that even in the presence of an earth voltage gradient the two building GESs will still be at an equal potential. This protects any wiring running between the two buildings, including communication and control pairs and cables.
I would phrase that a little differently.
He is trying to insure that even in the presence of an earth voltage gradient the two building GESs will still be at an equal potential. This protects any wiring running between the two buildings, including communication and control pairs and cables.
Okay, but with proper EGC between buidlings the two GES will still be at a (more) equal potential. I think the point is he wants another connection that is in direct contact with earth. Right?
Okay, but with proper EGC between buidlings the two GES will still be at a (more) equal potential. I think the point is he wants another connection that is in direct contact with earth. Right?
I am giving him the benefit of the doubt that he concerned with putting in an equipotential bond at the GES level because the NEC does not necessarily require a bonded EGC between the two buildings.
Alternatively, he may really be more concerned with "improving" the GES conductivity for both buildings, in which case he is less justified, or even misguided.

Note that I am referring to the scenario in post #16, not the OP. The discussion has veered off in that direction. The issue of an individual ground rod at the midspan outlet of the OP's feeder is a different question.
I think you guys are
Confusing lightning protection and grounding lighting protection is not your standard ground wire it’s a bare braided copper wire
Yes, I pulled the thread slightly off course. Apologies, but it seemed like it was relevant. In the case I presented I just found out the guy is a ham radio enthusiast. Maybe that's why he wants the extra connection...
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