Supply house prices!?

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Re: Supply house prices!?

Great thread!

I have several thoughts on this topic:

1.Re. DIYers
I have seen alot of DIY work and the vast majority of it is flat out unsafe and wrong. A few DIY jobs were okay but even they had some part of the installation that was not up to snuff (or code).
I have been in HD and heard the unquallified people working there giving out bad advice like it was gospel. Last week I heard one telling a HO to just take down the old light fixture and put the ceiling fan on the same box. Unquallified people should not be giving advice on electrical installations or doing electrical installations.

2.Re. Supply House prices
I much prefer supply houses (especially locally owned, or at least American owned). But I don't like having to constantly check to see if I'm getting a good price from them. It seems the prices sometimes change depending on who takes my order at the counter. I try to use the same supplier as much as possible but I have found that the prices actually seem to go up when you're a regular and stop comparing prices with other suppliers.

3.Re. Big Boxes
They sure are convenient but I also think they use the tactic of making certain items so cheap (that they actually lose money selling them) as a hook to get people coming in to the store. Their selection and stock are certainly lacking in several areas. I find that I have to be very careful to buy new material that has not previously been opened.

It's real hard, and time consumig, to always find the best prices. I think it is no coincidence that it is so difficult to comparison shop. The retailers and wholesalers like it this way.

Wouldn't it be nice to go online and get prices . I guess there must be some reason why we can't.
Re: Supply house prices!?

Originally posted by stud696981:
As far as I know you only need a license to purchase freon because spilling it into the atmosphere causes damage to the ozone layer.
Being a cynic, I am inclined to believe the reason real freon was banned was because the patent had expired. Or that could just be a coincidence.
Re: Supply house prices!?

One of the hard, fast business rules I follow is "take care of those who take care of you." Based on that, I buy a vast majority of my materials through CED Interstate. Our local branch has always been there for me when I needed a favor. They've driven better than 100 miles round trip to deliver to me, they've eaten the cost on overnight shipping on products their computer said were in stock, they've done same day delivery, in short they have gone the extra mile. Do I pay a few pennies more than if I shopped at big orange? I'm sure I do on some items. But will Home Depot do any of the above mentioned favors for me? Not a chance.
Re: Supply house prices!?

Originally posted by cselectric:
One of the hard, fast business rules I follow is "take care of those who take care of you." Based on that, I buy a vast majority of my materials through CED Interstate. Our local branch has always been there for me when I needed a favor. They've driven better than 100 miles round trip to deliver to me, they've eaten the cost on overnight shipping on products their computer said were in stock, they've done same day delivery, in short they have gone the extra mile. Do I pay a few pennies more than if I shopped at big orange? I'm sure I do on some items. But will Home Depot do any of the above mentioned favors for me? Not a chance.
You have made a decision for yourself that it is worth the extra money to buy from someone who provides the type of service you want. Personally, I think you are missing out on the bargains that are available at the big box places, especially on commonly used itesm.

They do go out of there way to accomodate contractors. Most of these places will take phone orders and have the parts stacked on a skid waiting for you to come pick up. All you have to do is come get them and pay for them.

My inclination would be to stock up on the stuff they have that is most cost effective with a run there once a week for the stuff you use a lot of that they have, and use the expensive supply house for eveything else.

Keep in mind though that the free delivery offered by some supply houses is pretty hard to pass up. Your time going to pick the stuff up is valuable too.
Re: Supply house prices!?

Yes, time is a valuable asset. Which figures heavily into my equation. Not only do I get free delivery, I get it on my schedule (within normal business hours) If I say 8AM, it's there by 8AM. No messing around in line, and no waiting around the job site for that one critical part that's on the truck, that's running late.

For what it's worth, it isn't just the big box stores I shy away from, I also avoid buying product from half of the local supply houses. I gave them all a shot, some jacked around with pricing, some thought 3PM was close enough to an AM delivery, some had a bad habit of back ordering commodity items they should always have in stock. The bottom line on that is yet another of those hard fast rules I follow: Never settle. I don't, and I don't expect my customers to either.

You are correct that I have chosen to pay more for a higher level of service. I'm comfortable with that. In fact, it makes a lot of sense, when you consider the fact that I market my company to those who are willing to pay more for a higher level of service. I don't work in the bargain basement, I don't shop there either. Overall it seems to balance itself out well enough to be profitable.

[ July 29, 2005, 07:45 PM: Message edited by: cselectric ]
Re: Supply house prices!?

The Supply House is the refuge for the all around E.C. They have virtually everything motor starters lighting contactors, 480 volt devices and sleeve and pin receptacles. So I will pay a little more for non metallic sheathed cable for be waited on by a great staff and lot of times brought out to the truck. It makes you feel spoiled. Try this experiment go to Home Depot and ask for High Efficiency Fluorescent Luminaire with electronic ballast and T-5 Bulbs and then see the clerks expression then he will probably show you the fluorescent and maybe a 4 foot troffer with electronic ballast and uses T-8 bulbs. Then you just point at the ceiling and say you want the same fixtures they use in their store. I am sure the clerk will say we don't ever sell any and doesn't want to be bother to order it so he might say I have to take care of another customer. Now try that experiment in my local supplier and they will order as many as you need they do not keep these on hand but in three weeks it is here.
Re: Supply house prices!?

Originally posted by william runkle:
The Supply House is the refuge for the all around E.C. They have virtually everything motor starters lighting contactors, 480 volt devices and sleeve and pin receptacles. So I will pay a little more for non metallic sheathed cable for be waited on by a great staff and lot of times brought out to the truck. It makes you feel spoiled. Try this experiment go to Home Depot and ask for High Efficiency Fluorescent Luminaire with electronic ballast and T-5 Bulbs and then see the clerks expression then he will probably show you the fluorescent and maybe a 4 foot troffer with electronic ballast and uses T-8 bulbs. Then you just point at the ceiling and say you want the same fixtures they use in their store. I am sure the clerk will say we don't ever sell any and doesn't want to be bother to order it so he might say I have to take care of another customer. Now try that experiment in my local supplier and they will order as many as you need they do not keep these on hand but in three weeks it is here.
All very good points. But the name of the store is HOME Depot. Carrying an industrial T-5 luminaire would be pretty pointless, don't you think?
Re: Supply house prices!?

Another good point is to deal with the inside salesman instead of the counter guys.
Just as you help a steady customer, the inside guy will treat you the same way. The result is better pricing. I do not care what business you are in, you will take care of those who provide you a steady income. We often sit in the parking lot of the supply on the phone with the one inside sales man to make an order then walk inside and pick it up. You'd be amazed at the price difference from the counter guy.

Priced Emon meter:
counter guy: $650.00
Inside sales: $467.00
From the same company. Go figure.
Re: Supply house prices!?

Originally posted by bigjohn67:
Another good point is to deal with the inside salesman instead of the counter guys.
very good point. the counter guys are really there to handle the nuts and bolts of the business and have little to say about pricing.

the account managers (or whatever they are called at your favorite place) have a lot more say in pricing. often the difference is astounding.

but, you have to buy enough stuff to make it worth the guy's time to deal with you.

for a small time operator, you probably won't find as many deals.

one thing I can suggest that almost always works IF you can afford to handle it (and it makes sense for your business model) is to buy things in skid load quantitys. the difference in price between buying one item at a time and 5000 is often times huge. but this is not practical unless you plan to use them over the next few months.

something that works a lot more often than you might think is to just ask your account manager for a better deal. this works best on a project by project basis. tell him you need to sharpen your pencil for this particular project and ask him to work with you on the pricing. account managers love this kind of thing for some reason.

[ July 30, 2005, 07:52 AM: Message edited by: petersonra ]
Re: Supply house prices!?

As I just stated in another thread - I'm not a contractor. I work at an industrial facility with both a Lowes and Home Depot within five minutes drive. I never buy anything from either one. However I used to on occasion. Every time I went "shopping" for 5 or 6 common items I'd come away with only three or four because the reminder was out of stock. :mad: I've developed a good relationship with my inside guy at a local supplier and he works his posterior area off for me as I throw $thousand orders at him constantly. When I call and ask him to bring me just some piddly item(s) in turn, he'll throw them in the car and bring 'em to me in the course of the day. Yeah, I could save a few $ on some common items at the Johnny Homeowner stores - if they HAVE THEM - but I prefer service and a knowledgeable staff.
Re: Supply house prices!?

I think it all comes down to needs and time constraints.

I buy at the supply house regularly. But at least twice a month I go to Lowes or HD and buy a large quantity of items I use on a regular basis. It saves me big bucks and not a lot of time wasted when I only do this a couple of times a month.
Re: Supply house prices!?

I was at the local big orange box today and saw something that led me to revisit this issue (or maybe I'm just that kid who can't resist poking the beehive with a stick... repeatadly :D
Re: Supply house prices!?

The company I work for has stuck with the same supplier and salesman for years, small and large orders. The only thing he can't get me is cuttler hammer, but I only use cuttler hammer for replacement breakers.The more money I spend, the more I save(sounds funny, but it's true). :)

[ September 06, 2005, 08:53 PM: Message edited by: redfish ]
Re: Supply house prices!?

Here in the Detroit area, Lowes and Home Depot beat any supply house, regardless of the volume you buy from them. I have a buddy that works at one, and he gets an employee discount that beats the best contractor price, and guess what, most items he cannot even get Lowes or Home Depots everyday price.
Home Depot doesnt give employee discounts...
Re: Supply house prices!?

Originally posted by coppertreeelectric:
Home Depot doesnt give employee discounts...
Steven -- I think that he meant that his buddy works at an electrical supply house, but could still buy stuff cheaper at Lowes or HD than he could buy them from his employer.
Re: Supply house prices!?

Over here in NJ the local supply houses beat out the Box stores on almost everything the Box stores are 30 to 50% higher on almost everything except PVC pipe, EMT, some wire and cable, a few boxes, everything else is higher.
Re: Supply house prices!?

I've had a few experiences recently that have caused me to rethink this issue.

The other day I was at Graybar, waiting for my order to be filled and exchanging war stories with the new counter guy. A short while later, the supervisor comes up behind me and says, "I put all your stuff outside next to your truck, Jeff." No one at Big Orange or Menards even has any idea who I am, and even if they did, I doubt they'd provide service like that.

This morning, I went to Big Orange and Menards to try to pick up a 100A Siemens breaker on the way to a job. Menards doesn't carry Siemens CBs bigger than 60A, and Big Orange was out of them. On the way to the jobsite, I called a supply house I have an account with and asked if they had any. "Sure, we've got a bunch of them." I asked if there was any chance their delivery truck would be near my jobsite this afternoon. "No problem." As luck would have it, the truck rolled up just as I was going out to my truck to get the panelboard. That saved me at least an hour of driving/waiting. Supply house price was $36.70; Big Orange was 30.97 (if they had them in stock). For less than $5, I got what I wanted delivered. Just try and call Big Orange and have them run a single CB out to your jobsite for you.

Toward the end of the day, I was getting ready to install the GFCI receptacle I bought at Menards, and I found it curious that the yellow warning sticker was on the line screws instead of the load ones like it usually is. I pulled it off, only to discover that someone had unscrewed one of the screws, and used the warning tape to cover it up. When I returned to Menards, there were five people in front of me in the returns line. I don't think I've ever gotten anything from a supply house that some yahoo broke and then returned without saying anything about it. I did once get a bent stick of Sch.80 from a supply house for free when I told them I only needed about a foot to make a nipple, but that was just the counter guy helping me out.

Price isn't everything. I'm going to be shopping at the supply houses as much as possible from now on.
Re: Supply house prices!?

Originally posted by jeff43222:
The other day I was at Graybar, waiting for my order to be filled and exchanging war stories with the new counter guy...
Below is a transcript of said conversation:
"Well, I was twisting this wire-nut on, and-"
"Did you pretwist the wires?" the counter guy said, his eyebrow quivering in an anxious, fretful tone.
"Why, yes," Jeff confidently replied as he helped himself to another complimentary doughnut, "As a matter of fact, I did." He gave the man a wink, and continued his story. "As I was twisting it on, I noticed a callous on my thumb and knuckle, from all the twisting I had been doing-"
"My God!" The counter guy gasped...

Continued on Page 286

Sorry, fellas, carry on... :D
Re: Supply house prices!?

George, do you have a spy working at Graybar? That's exactly what happened! You left out the part about how the counter guy fainted when he saw the red marks on my nose from the friction caused by my safety glasses. :D

Funny you should mention doughnuts. A few weeks ago they did give me an ice cream sandwich, just for being me. Tomorrow they are having an open house / trade show, with free broasted chicken lunch. Now that I think of it, I do get a lot of my sustenance at Graybar. I've never gotten any at Big Orange.
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