Supply house Vs The orange store

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mdshunk said:
Are you seriously that weak, Chris? I'm not buying it. :-?

I think of it as consumer toughness, actually. I have a real choice about where to throw my (and my customers') money around, and I don't see any point in spending it in places that subject me to it. It's a pretty high standard, I know, but someone's gotta take a stand. :)

OK, so it's also the actual music. Top 40 Muzak and Classic Schlock just isn't my gig. If they're going to play music that motivates me to spend money, it's going to be a Mozart clarinet concerto or Mojo Nixon, not Abba or Bad Company. :) :)
ceknight said:
I think of it as consumer toughness, actually. I have a real choice about where to throw my (and my customers') money around, and I don't see any point in spending it in places that subject me to it. It's a pretty high standard, I know, but someone's gotta take a stand. :)
I went to Lowe's yesterday to buy a gallon of Roundup, and I also bought a case of Gatorade that I had no intentions of buying. I don't think the music had anything to do with it. I just remembered my oldest son has football practice starting this week, and the Gatorade was a good price. ;)
ceknight said:
One of my biggest pet peeves in the retail environment is music being piped throughout a store. Don't get me wrong, I love music, but I don't at all appreciate knowing that companies are making me listen to stuff their consultants told them would make me more likely to spend money I wasn't planning to spend.

I find the music they play has the opposite affect. I want to leave as quickly as possible, and I often forget about the things I went there to buy in the first place.
peter d said:
I find the music they play has the opposite affect. I want to leave as quickly as possible, and I often forget about the things I went there to buy in the first place.
I'm just picturing the guy who goes in for a box of nails, and comes out with 3 or 4 BBQ grilles, a shower stall, and a few sacks of mortar mix that he can't even use anywhere... all because of the vile music.

"Customer assistance needed in the rope and chain cutting area."
mdshunk said:
I'm just picturing the guy who goes in for a box of nails, and comes out with 3 or 4 BBQ grilles, a shower stall, and a few sacks of mortar mix that he can't even use anywhere... all because of the vile music.

It all starts with a case of Gatorade. It's a gateway drug. :)
Um, guys:

jmsbrush said:
I used Net Pricer on another program and at the time ,It didn't it work out for me. I do not know if It was them being new at what the did, Or the program I was using, but the overall experience for me at the time was not good.
Now it could be better.

Something about DCI codes. Then NetPricer goes out and shops 3 different stores, tells you what the lost leaders are.

I wonder how long it would take to get the correct ?item name? and DCI code on all the parts database. Verses how much you save over your life time??

My supply house flipped their lid when I asked for DCI codes. They said ?but then you?d have our prices?, that?s where I dropped it. I mean I all ready have their prices in a data base, but to compare the prices against three other supply houses, that would be interesting to see.

Garybar from what I hear is NetPrice friendly? Anybody know?
s.sparkomatic.r09 said:
Something about DCI codes. Then NetPricer goes out and shops 3 different stores, tells you what the lost leaders are.

I wonder how long it would take to get the correct ?item name? and DCI code on all the parts database. Verses how much you save over your life time??

My supply house flipped their lid when I asked for DCI codes. They said ?but then you?d have our prices?, that?s where I dropped it. I mean I all ready have their prices in a data base, but to compare the prices against three other supply houses, that would be interesting to see.

Garybar from what I hear is NetPrice friendly? Anybody know?
Yes they do and they will also tell you , You better have a good account established for many years there, Kinda stinks for the new Ec's like me.
Supply houses here have ALWAYS been notorious for overcharging. From the items I do happen to catch, I am sure that thousands of dollars get by every year.

At least at the Depot, the price is on the shelf and you see them ring it up.

Still, the bulk of our materials come delivered by the supply house(s).
I?ve had an account there for a while. Maybe you can relate to this:

I pay my bill quickly (most of the time) every month at the supply house.

So you?d think that I would go there and demand things.

No way, I fax all my orders, if something is not right I fax them again.

I would rather chew glass than talk to a supply clerk.

If I forget supplies or there is a last minute change of plans, I?ll go to the supply house at 530 am and park crooked in front of the will call door. When they open at 6am I push past the clerk get my stuff and knock people over on my way out.

There is a total funk around those supply counters. BLA YUK

I want to save money using the NetPricer. But I?d rather have my teeth drilled with no Novocain , then talk to the guys at the supply house and set up the system. YUK

The box stores are as nasty as the days are long

Thats why I use a system. I know what my bill should be before I get it. If its off more that a few dollars, I'll look into it.

Circle the mis-priced items, and fax the supply house. I used to call and complain, but I can?t stand to talk to those people.

After a while they stopped ?pushing the wrong button on the computer?. That is so lame, those guys have contests on who over charges the most. You?re a sucker if you let em do it. Just like the hot bar tender that tries to keep and extra ten buck ?oops??yaa right Paris??.

I guess I must have gotten ripped off so much, that if they try it now my blood boils:mad:
One thing about these guys and for the most part most of large commercial sales outlets. The can get you in debt if you are not careful.

I went to Lowes to buy a shed and they told me if I used a Lowes credit card I could get 10% off and no interest for 12 months I said sure as I would pay in full at first billing and then destroy the card.

Gave them the necessary info in 10 minutes they extended me $20,000.00 credit. I almost fainted, those not a diligent about credit could get in deep dog doo quickly.

Oh and it is not Lowes fault you're in debt with them, but they do make it way to easy and I could not believe the high limit soooo quickly.
A friend of mine is building a detatched garage at his house and he wants to install a 100A sub-panel (overkill).
He quizzes me on how to complete certain details of the project. I guessed he was waiting for me to volunteer my services. I didn't offer and he didn't ask.

Come to find out, he has already purchased the materials from HD and they are all wrong. One of the "experts" @HD helped him select the materials.

Eventually, I told him to return everything he bought from HD and tell them that they gave him bad advice and every bit was wrong.

I called in a will call to Rexel near his home. He picked it up the next morning and everything was OK. Imagine that!
I just read this thing about C.C. debt. I guess the US companies are going to countries like Turkey, 3rd world. Pushing credit cards on everyone. They interviewed some dude he worked the textile mill. Dude made 3,400 a year and was over 6000 in debt. They said that ten years ago only family barrowed money to family. Now their more in debt than we are as a country. Gotta love unsophisticated consumers.
active1 said:
You have a much better chance of getting someone else return that has missing parts or is broken.

Many items on the shelf are in the wrong location. You find what you need, look at it, then grab a few more. If your lucky by the time you get to the register you realize you got a few that are different.

Reach in those bins pull out wrong item constantly. Every ask yourself, why am I wasting my time putting these things in the proper bin?
we email 3 suppliers for most orders, and then sometimes beat them down (if its a large order)

I have found that the orange store usually has about 1/2 of the items needed to complete any job.

Its a well known fact that they dump certain items in order to try to drive the mom and pop stores out of business: screws, nails, etc. are sold below cost, while other items are slightly higher. I'll buy the stuff they are dumping and get the rest from our regular suppliers.
I am still waiting for a supplier to give me internet access to my account.

I could check pricing and place orders with NO middleman in the way to screw things up......except the guy filling the order.
ceknight said:
One of my biggest pet peeves in the retail environment is music being piped throughout a store. Don't get me wrong, I love music, but I don't at all appreciate knowing that companies are making me listen to stuff their consultants told them would make me more likely to spend money I wasn't planning to spend. They spend large sums of money trying to manipulate you without your being aware of it, and that bloody music is one of their biggest manipulations.

I don't get assaulted by someone else's music when I walk into any of my local supply houses, hardware stores, or lumber yards. In fact, I don't get assaulted by any music at all. Service and local ownership aside, that is (to me) a good enough reason to shop those places instead of a mega-retailer.

Funny , I never heard music in HD or Lowes . I guess it's just me .....:confused:
It goes both ways. Last week I needed a spa disco and at the supply house for a siemens it was $127 home depot had one for 76 bucks. IMO thats a big differance. But on the other hand I was in a pinch and I needed some siemens 20a non limiting tandams at Home Depot they were 18.00 the next day I went to the supply house and they had they for 9 bucks. So I guess you win some and loose some. But for the most part I agree with mark and only use the big stores in a pinch.
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