Supply house Vs The orange store

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I noticed that even Walmart sells rolls of 12/2 Romex. Didn't make a note of the price though so I'm not sure how they compare.
Sounds like you guys make daily or multi-daily trips to get supplies. If that's you thing OK, but why wouldn't you write up a BOM for a given job, send it to 2-3 supply houses, and may the best man win? Then have then deliver it to the jobsite. When the invoice comes in wrong from your quote, you dispute it.
I don't want my guys eating donuts at a counter EVER, if I can help it.
kornbln said:
I noticed that even Walmart sells rolls of 12/2 Romex. Didn't make a note of the price though so I'm not sure how they compare.
Make sure they're not the 200' rolls they tried to peddle on us a year or two ago.
LarryFine said:
Make sure they're not the 200' rolls they tried to peddle on us a year or two ago.

Not sure but I wonder if the price would be very good since I only saw a couple of them on the shelf. Not something that they are purchasing in huge quantities.
cdslotz said:
Sounds like you guys make daily or multi-daily trips to get supplies. If that's you thing OK, but why wouldn't you write up a BOM for a given job, send it to 2-3 supply houses, and may the best man win? Then have then deliver it to the jobsite. When the invoice comes in wrong from your quote, you dispute it.
That's great, if you're a construction electrician. I mostly do service.
I just returned from HD a few hours ago. The music was just as atrocious as ever, but I did end needing to rent a trailer for all the stuff I bought this time.
ItsHot said:
I noticed only a couple of 25 foot rolls of 12/2, price was $32!
Even at HD, the cost difference between a 100' box and a 250' roll is miniscule. I can't imagine buying anything smaller than the latter.
For a while they were selling 200 foot rolls at a considerably lower per foot price compared to the 250's, if I remember right it was like 7 or 8 cents a foot cheaper.
there have been some really good posts onthis subject from EMahler and others

I worked as Branch manager and outside sales in a supplyhouse for 16 years before going back into the contracting side

If you dont pay your bills on time at a supply house you will never get good pricing

If you are large enough of a buyer you can demand the best pricing

if you are small and you just nickel and dime the supplyhouse on what you cant get a HD then you will never get good pricing

a supply house can be one of your best assets and a business partner and HD is your competitor (or soon will be)

if you are small now and want to get bigger than pick a supply house that is a good fit for you and meet with the branch manager and tell you you want to use them all the time and you need good prices (in return they get your business and good pay) HD cant help you when you get bigger

If you have all the time in the world and need to be chasing pennies then run (dont walk) to the cheapest guy in town and there you go

s.sparkomatic.r09 said:
I?ve had an account there for a while. Maybe you can relate to this:

I pay my bill quickly (most of the time) every month at the supply house.

So you?d think that I would go there and demand things.

No way, I fax all my orders, if something is not right I fax them again.

I would rather chew glass than talk to a supply clerk.

If I forget supplies or there is a last minute change of plans, I?ll go to the supply house at 530 am and park crooked in front of the will call door. When they open at 6am I push past the clerk get my stuff and knock people over on my way out.

There is a total funk around those supply counters. BLA YUK

I want to save money using the NetPricer. But I?d rather have my teeth drilled with no Novocain , then talk to the guys at the supply house and set up the system. YUK

I happen to work at a supply house and don't appreciate your comments. I sometimes tire of "electricians" asking me elementary questions.
Also supply house employees are not mind readers.

If you would treat these guys with respect I guarentee you would get way better service and way better pricing.

Nobody likes being talked down to or being treated like an idiot. If I have have to work with someone like that they usually pay twice what someone who acts like a civilized human being will pay.
I have 1 great supply house :grin: and 1 good supply house in town. I usually go to the small one because of their service. They don't always have exactly what I need but can always get in within the week. The other house is large and very inpersonal they seem to just want you in and out they don't ask how your doing, what your working on how the kids are, nothing.
But as for big blue or orange yeah I see them if I'm on that side of town and need something real quick or if its a weekend, what I dislike about them is they move stuff around alot and they send people from other departments who know nothing about what they are selling to work in electrical or plumbing or where ever. So you tell me why would a cashier be working in the electrical department by themselves???:confused:
I can tell you one thing that supply houses could do that would attract me: self service. I know it sounds nuts, but I'm a look-and-touch kind of buyer. I'm sure I'd buy more stuff, and probably forget less, if I could walk the aisles with a shopping cart.
LarryFine said:
I can tell you one thing that supply houses could do that would attract me: self service. I know it sounds nuts, but I'm a look-and-touch kind of buyer. I'm sure I'd buy more stuff, and probably forget less, if I could walk the aisles with a shopping cart.

We actually have a regional chain that is set up for self service. It's not like a traditional supply house at all. You walk in and you're right in the warehouse and you can shop till you drop. Once you're done just bring your stuff up to the counter which is conveniently located off to the side and out of the way.
peter d said:
We actually have a regional chain that is set up for self service. It's not like a traditional supply house at all. You walk in and you're right in the warehouse and you can shop till you drop. Once you're done just bring your stuff up to the counter which is conveniently located off to the side and out of the way.
Where?? Gimme! I'm on the way!

I just checked your profile to see where you are. How the heck did you squeak by the Mod Squad? ;)
LarryFine said:
Where?? Gimme! I'm on the way!

Might be a bit of a drive for you. But here you go anyway. Rexel CLS They had the self service format before Rexel bought them out. I don't know if the other Rexel locations use self service too.

LarryFine said:
I just checked your profile to see where you are. How the heck did you squeak by the Mod Squad? ;)

I'm friends with one of the moderators, remember? :D

Some of us like to maintain a little bit of anonymity. ;) Not that it's really possible in this day and age....
I can tell you one thing that supply houses could do that would attract me: self service. I know it sounds nuts, but I'm a look-and-touch kind of buyer. I'm sure I'd buy more stuff, and probably forget less, if I could walk the aisles with a shopping cart.

Me too. Many times I don't know exactly what I am looking for since many times there are different ways to accomplish an installation. Plan A, Plan B, etc. If they don't have X any Y parts, I need to use a Y and 2 Z's. Trying to convey this to a counter guy is difficult and wastes BOTH of our time.

And, not C3PO, but LOTS of times they don't know what things are called or where they are located. I don't expect them to because they haven't been doing this stuff forever.
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