Supply house Vs The orange store

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LarryFine said:
Oooookay. :roll:

Larry, Peter is not getting special treatment. Start checking profiles, a great many members do not put real info. in their profiles.

I guess it's possible Marc is a McDonald's Fry Cook and lives in Beverly Hills. :grin:
iwire said:
Larry, Peter is not getting special treatment. Start checking profiles, a great many members do not put real info. in their profiles.
There you go again taking me seriuously. :smile:

I guess it's possible Marc is a McDonald's Fry Cook and lives in Beverly Hills. :grin:
Then Peter should be a good customer of Marc's.
iwire said:
Start checking profiles, a great many members do not put real info. in their profiles.
Now that you mention it, what's to stop someone who reads the rules from lying about being in the industry? :-?
LarryFine said:
Now that you mention it, what's to stop someone who reads the rules from lying about being in the industry? :-?
Nothing, really . However, if they're a poser, they seem to get sorted out in a hurry, don't they?
LarryFine said:
Then Peter should be a good customer of Marc's.

No, I avoid McDonalds. If only they had In N Out on the east coast, I would be there every day, hence my handle. And would you trust a french fry that Marc made anyway?
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