I guess I’m assuming that OP is working off the 2023 code since his inspector is insisting that each apartment have a SPD, rather than just one for the service.
N 215.18 Surge Protection.
(A) Surge-Protective Device. Where a feeder supplies any of the following, a surge-protective device (SPD) shall be installed:
(1) Dwelling units
(2) Dormitory units
(3) Guest rooms and guest suites of hotels and motels
(4) Areas of nursing homes and limited-care facilities used exclusively as patient sleeping rooms
The area served by the house panel wouldn’t fit any of those definitions IMO.
I guess it depends on whether or not the Service has a SPD on it. If he installed an SPD on the house panel that would cover “each next level distribution” per the exception. If theres a SPD already part of the service I suppose I would still argue he doesn’t need one on his house panel.