survey in mail

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some research group sent our office a semi official looking survey in the mail...i could tell it was one of those that if you respond to you open yourself an avalanche of junk mail...i did not respond, but one of the questions got me thinking...they wanted to know of all the product lines you purchase, how much is american made?...we do new home construction, so off the top of my head all i could think of was romex, plastic boxes, and various fittings and you guys use more american made products? or is your wharehouse an all china/mexican import center like mine? point is that if i had an all american made products policy; could i even wire a house?...any american made products you name will be given consideration for future purchases...i just do not know any now...
We do need to give this serious attention here's an interesting stat to gauge our predicament. In 1960 the United States exported $3.5 billion more than we imported compared to 2009 we imported over $374 billion more than we exported. This is backwards and a main reason why we’re out of work we’re not building our own stuff! stat from U.S. Bureau of Census, “U.S. Trade in Goods and Services – Balance of Payments (BOP) Basis,”
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Let's becareful to keep the conversation as to what items are still made in the US and maybe where they are manufactured overseas. Let's try to stay away from the political or business reasons of why they are not manufactured in the US any longer. If the thread does become a political rant it will be closed.

I don't give it much of a chance to be a lengthy thread.:grin:

The problem you run into is, even American made products will still have the components made in other countries. Like Sqr D is in Mexico. I am all for American made only but if what you want does not exisist......

Since I am not going to be the one to get the thread closed...I will say no more.:)
I think most Romex & other wire used to be American made, not sure now. I'm not sure about other stuff, I need to check closer. Thing is, some things go full circle. I used to work a lot in an AW plant. They make parts for Toyota. Though Toyota is a Japanese co., they make some of their cars here & AW makes parts here. They brought some Japanese managers & execs with them, but a lot of Americans work there too. Sometimes it's hard to determine how much we benefit or lose by something.
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