Switch building program

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Hello Roger and Larry

I just fired up a few minutes ago. As I said I changed the Java script to a different one.
I didn't even try it with firefox and well, it doesn't work.

There are a lot of codes that Firefox want run that IE will, IE seems to be more forgiving as far as mistakes.

There was one graphic I made that wouldn't run with firefox but run with IE. It about run me up the wall. And the mistake was I had one backwards slash instead of a forward slash.

IE doesn't care forward or backwards it runs fine.

Anyway I am going to leave it this way most run IE anyway.

I have wittled the Light switch down a little and took the diodes,junctions and resistors
out of it. I am going to changed late tonight.

And hopefully maybe I will leave it that way for a while, but I get very bored since I retired.

Thanks for your support and patience:Ronald/:)
A couple of questions,where would this application of control be used and what are the 3 series nomally closed contacts?
1. It was just a theoretical circuit, based on my mention that two DC circuits can share a conductor when running on AC. It's a simple type of multiplexing.

2. They represent stop buttons and overload contacts, all of which are typically wired in series with the motor starter coil. The coils would have to be DC, by the way.
I just fired up a few minutes ago. As I said I changed the Java script to a different one.
I didn't even try it with firefox and well, it doesn't work.
I did notice that I see the white background briefly when the image initially loads.

That circuit we dreamed up with the four diodes would work but your Right it would need to be DC coils and probably a filter capacitor for each coil.

The only aplication I could think of is if you had a long conduit with just two conductors in it and wanted to control two motors indiviually this would be a way to do it.

Or if the wire was so long it would be cheaper to change to DC controls athough not very likely.

Oh, you are running Ie and Firefox aren't you?

Those programs do run with Ie browser.

Oh, you are running Ie and Firefox aren't you?

Those programs do run with Ie browser.
I can't even get the links to react when I click on them in IE. If I right-click and hit 'open' or 'open in new window', nothing happens.
I don't know I have two other computers here and they alll run it fine with Ie explorer.

I'll repost the old one a little later and see if it still works.

The first one did work didn't it?

Roger and Larry

I reinstalled the old one its works with firefox and the Ie browser.
Larry are you sure it wasn't your protection that was keeping you from running in Ie becuase it has a java script.

Cadpoint thanks but theres really nothing here worth doing all that.

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