switches behind a refrigerator

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Couldn't you also say that for a panel in a room with boxes stored in front of it?

If you have to move the boxes to get to the position you need to get to to operate the breakers, that position was not "readily accessible".
If you have to move the boxes to get to the position you need to get to to operate the breakers, that position was not "readily accessible".
Here in commercial space the code enforcement officer conducts annual inspections. Seems to be a common violation as one of the most written up violation. Owner or tenant always use the space for storage, had one it to almost an hour of moving stuff so I could get to the panel. I guess a utility room is not for the utility services, its mop storage and 5 yrs of files storage, and most anything you want out of the way storage, that just happens to have the breaker panel in it too.
Suppose there is just enough room behind the boxes to get your arm in to open the panel door and operate the breakers. :p

It would be compliant as to the operation of the breaker, but likely a violation of parent text in 110.26 that requires the workspace to be " provided and maintained " .
I was in a Kmart years ago where the electrical room was in a cage. Electrical room was clean, but you couldn’t get to it, as there was boxes stacked 10’ high and 10’ deep all the way across! LOL!
If there was a hole cut into the back of the fridge to access the switches by opening the fridge door, would it be a violation if the pickles were in the way?
Here is and expensive alternative if HO is insistent on having the switch behind fridge: Convert switches to wireless and mount wireless device in accessible area maybe double tape to side of fridge
Here is and expensive alternative if HO is insistent on having the switch behind fridge: Convert switches to wireless and mount wireless device in accessible area maybe double tape to side of fridge
That's probably the best idea, if they really dont like reaching behing a fridge
Yes this is only section I can reference and it reads to me that it would be allowed. The refrigerator would be pulled away from the wall several inches to get your fingers behind it making it accessible.? I'm thinking there is no violation just not practical...Thanks
My house is exactly that way. Built in the 70s when I guess refrigerators were smaller, now the smallest one I can get (other than minis) overlaps the switch by about 2 inches, so I have to stick my hand behind the fridge a little to turn on the overhead light. The only way to fix it would be to remodel the entire kitchen and move the fridge to a different wall.
Here is and expensive alternative if HO is insistent on having the switch behind fridge: Convert switches to wireless and mount wireless device in accessible area maybe double tape to side of fridge
And perhaps all three switches wouldn't need to be wireless if cost is an issue. One switch might be used more often, for example on the overhead lights, and so that would be wireless. But the other two switches might be something like counter lights that are needed less often, and so they could get by with a less convenient switch location.
I am guessing that cost is less of an issue than meeting code and keeping the customer happy.

We've address the code issue: yes, the switches can be located behind the fridge. What remains is having fun giving the OP ways to give the customer what they are asking for without going crazy (that is the electrician not going crazy), possibly improving the design so that the customer gets what they asked for _and_ what they can actually use.

These switches will be on a wall, presumably next to a doorway and partially behind a fridge.

We've already mentioned putting all 3 switches into a single gang so that they are all as close to the open side as possible.

Wireless has been brought up.

Perhaps rotating the gang box 90 degrees and putting the switches vertically in a row. (Use https://www.lowes.com/pd/Eaton-Sing...-with-LED-Combination-Light-Switch/1001438288 to make the switches operate vertically and be closer to the edge.)

But the most fun would be some sort of mechanical linkage switchplate, so that you have 3 normal switches, but levers that make them easy to reach on the open side behind the fridge. Like https://linnelldesign.com/collectio...s/double-rack-gear-light-switch-cover-plate-1 in concept but implemented totally differently

My house is exactly that way. Built in the 70s when I guess refrigerators were smaller, now the smallest one I can get (other than minis) overlaps the switch by about 2 inches, so I have to stick my hand behind the fridge a little to turn on the overhead light. The only way to fix it would be to remodel the entire kitchen and move the fridge to a different wall.
It doesn't necessarily need to be on different wall, just a couple inches over from where it is now. ;)
I’ve seen installations like his. A couple of inches over would put the switch in a doorway!
The fridge is likely up against permanent cabinets.
I meant if you remodeled you wouldn't need to put fridge on a different wall, you just need it to end up at least a couple inches over from where it is now.
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