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Well you seem to have strong feelings on this so make a proposal and see what happens or live with the decision they have made. I was told the combination of chemically treated water and electricity was part of he issue. I have no idea other then I can assure you the conductivity will change quite a bit with chemicals. Pure water or distilled water is not really conductive at all. Add chemicals and it can change.
Will agree the PH is likely bit differant. As far as conductive i rather dought that will change much in getting shocked. If you are so much as standing on a wet floor your already set up for a bad shock. That is why we want them outdoors.
Don't get me wrong here ,i very much believe in gfi protection.
The logic between bath tubs/showers to me is stupid. Allowing a receptacle next to one is just asking for troubles. NEC has come a long ways in making us safer around water but still has long way to go

I think all metal bath fixtures should be bonded and the light switches should be required to be on the bath GFCI . The way it is now if the bath circuit goes to one bath you can put the light on it if you want but with two baths on the circuit you can not put the lights on the same circuit , I say one circuit each bath with the lights protected with the gfci receptacle.
Well you seem to have strong feelings on this so make a proposal and see what happens or live with the decision they have made. I was told the combination of chemically treated water and electricity was part of he issue. I have no idea other then I can assure you the conductivity will change quite a bit with chemicals. Pure water or distilled water is not really conductive at all. Add chemicals and it can change.

You might start off with somewhat perfect water but as soon as we add soap and a dirty body to the mix all bets are off. I live in FL so long ago forgot what good water even taste like.
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