Switchroom Construction

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OK. Putting this baby to bed...

OK. Putting this baby to bed...

450.21(B) Over 112 1/2 kVA. Individual dry-type transformers of more than 112 1/2 kVA rating shall be installed in a transformer room of fire-resistant construction. Unless specified otherwise in this article, the term fire resistant means a construction having a minimum fire rating of 1 hour.

450.21(C) Over 35,000 Volts. Dry-type transformers rated over 35,000 volts shall be installed in a vault complying with Part III of this article.

Since this is a dry-type, and the primary is 13.8kV, that leaves out 450.21(C) ( < 35kV = no vault needed).

Looks like a simple fire-resistant room will suffice. I will make them go with double 5/8 drywall though just for my own piece of mind...

Thanks everyone for your input...
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