hockeyoligist2 said:
... and you have about 12 operating modes, plus kw share and var share.) lost me there. ...
The PLC has to keep track of how the gens are operating. Here is a likely example:
G1 coming on-line to dead bus
G2 coming on-line to dead bus
G1 coming on-line (paralleling) to live bus (utility or gen doesn't matter)
G2 coming on-line (paralleling) to live bus (utility or gen doesn't matter)
G1 running, off-line, G2 paralleling to G1
G2 running, off-line, G1 paralleling to G2
G1 on-line/loaded, sync and parallel to utility
G2 on-line/loaded, sync and parallel to utility
G1 and G2 on-line/loaded, sync and parallel to utility
G1 on-line/parallel to utility, base load gen kw, base load kvar
G2 on-line/parallel to utility, base load gen kw, base load kvar
G1 and G2 on-line/parallel to utility, base load each gen kw, base load kvar
G1 and G2 on-line/paralleled, kw share gens, kvar share gens
I know that this all sounds really repetative, but the PLC has to keep track of every available mode and provide the inputs/outputs to the equipment. Unattended automatic operation is non-trivial.
hockeyoligist2 said:
... It is a Square D transfer switch if that matters? ...
Probably. But I don't know what is in the transfer switch:
Circuit Breakers?
Dead Bus Relays?
Generator Protection relays
My only suggestions are likely things you have already done:
Get the schematics and take every opportunity to go over the operating scenerios with the vendor reps.
Ask if there is a detailed design document, or scope document. Those will tell you how the system is suposed to work. If they are available, but not updated, get the boss to insist these be current.
Also get the boss to insist that you have a complete current set of redlines.
hockeyoligist2 said:
... The PLC programs are, ummmm, what is that word? Anyway, we can't access the program.
I think the precise engineering term is &^(@*^$@%!. Bummer you can't see the programming. That makes it hard.
hockeyoligist2 said:
... The factory guys tweak, it works, they leave, minor changes in load, utility, etc. it is out of the parameters. ...
Depending on how the installation was engineered and the equipment was supplied, you may have five vendors/factory reps to deal with:
New generator vendor/factory rep
Old gen vendor/factory rep
PLC programmer (probably works for the Package Assembler)
Synchronizer vendor/factory rep
Package assembler (new equipment)
Whoever specified the gen Protective Relay Settings
The PLC guys don't understand the gens or synchronizer programming.
The gen guys know about the required synchro outputs their gen will require, but they won't know about synchro programming modes. No extra cost bonus: The gen guys may well be engine guys, not generator guys.
The synchro factory reps won't show up at all. They are only available by phone, usually several time zones away.
Normally the one you want to beat until the system works as per plan is the Package assembler - the one that supplied the equipment and said it would meet your requirements. But if they have been paid, you're screwed.
The fix will require a PLC programmer, generator guy (or two), someone that understands the synchros, all working together. If the package assembler won't do it, then your management is going to have to make some decisions about hiring someone that can pull it together.