Table 314.16(B)

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Reno, NV
I have a 1/2" conduit body marked with 6 CU IN. Am I understanding this table correctly as saying that I can only have 2.66 12AWG wires in this particular body? Or 3 #14's?


I have a 1/2" conduit body marked with 6 CU IN. Am I understanding this table correctly as saying that I can only have 2.66 12AWG wires in this particular body? Or 3 #14's?



I don't know how you came up with 2.66?

See T. 314.16(B)
The volume required per #12 conductor is 2.25 cubic inches, and 2.00 cubic inches per #14 conductor.
I have a 1/2" conduit body marked with 6 CU IN. Am I understanding this table correctly as saying that I can only have 2.66 12AWG wires in this particular body? Or 3 #14's?


Read 314.16(C) in its entirety. The 6 cu in marking only applies if you splice, tap, or install a device in the conduit body.
Read 314.16(C) in its entirety. The 6 cu in marking only applies if you splice, tap, or install a device in the conduit body.

I agree, for #12 conductors you may install whatever number of conductors are permitted by the conduit fill calculation for the 1/2" conduit you're using.
Read 314.16(C) in its entirety. The 6 cu in marking only applies if you splice, tap, or install a device in the conduit body.

That's what I should of asked. Intuitively, that's what I thought, this table is referring to splices. So, in my example, I could have 9 #12's (per table C.5, THHN in IMC) through my 1/2" conduit body and because it is marked with the 6 CU IN volume, I can have a total of 2 conductor count that are splice out of the total of 9 conductors?
That's what I should of asked. Intuitively, that's what I thought, this table is referring to splices. So, in my example, I could have 9 #12's (per table C.5, THHN in IMC) through my 1/2" conduit body and because it is marked with the 6 CU IN volume, I can have a total of 2 conductor count that are splice out of the total of 9 conductors?

That doesn't sound right to me. You fill it up to the max with conductors and then add a splice?
That's what I should of asked. Intuitively, that's what I thought, this table is referring to splices. So, in my example, I could have 9 #12's (per table C.5, THHN in IMC) through my 1/2" conduit body and because it is marked with the 6 CU IN volume, I can have a total of 2 conductor count that are splice out of the total of 9 conductors?

It is an "or" situation. You are allowed to run unspliced conductors up to the conduit-size fill. Upon using a conduit body as a splice, tap, device "box", you are limited to box count, which includes all in and out conductors. Essentially, you will not be able to splice any #12 (being it takes two for a circuit, and one splice with one passing through would count as 3). At best you could splice 1 #14 with one passing through (again, a count of 3).
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