I have never used any software for doing take offs. most of the companies I work with were small and projects not to large that could be done by hand, either way by hand or software, Does software leave any room for errors in take offs quanties for wire, conduit, fitting etc . When using a software for takeoffs does it calculate lenghts for wire, conduit, and fittings? as I mentioned Ive never used software for take offs and mostly done by hand, and yes trying to accuont for every lenght of wire, conduit, fittings from start to finish is time consuming. You always miss something. We do small conveince store/ fuel stations/leaase/offce space/etc so take offs arent that large but we do come out short sometimes on wire/conduit lenght and size that doesnt cost us the margins but I would like to get any feed back on how the rest of the shops minimize over or under buying. Any Advise helps Excuse my brief lazy post.