but they are required to carry E&O and liability insurance in most (all?) states
attorneys do not afaik
They are now in NJ
5 BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State
6 of New Jersey:
8 1. On and after January 1, 2016, every attorney who, pursuant
9 to applicable Rules of Court, is permitted to practice or appear in
10 court, and is engaged in the private practice of law in this State
11 shall, as a condition to practice, either maintain a policy of legal
12 malpractice liability insurance coverage that is obtained from an
13 authorized insurer transacting business in that line of insurance
14 under Title 17 of the Revised Statutes or from another authorized
15 insurer, or be covered under a policy obtained from an authorized
16 insurer that is maintained by a professional corporation, company,
17 or partnership under which the attorney and others engage in the
18 private practice of law. Under the legal malpractice liability
19 insurance policy, the minimum amount or limit of coverage for
20 damages resulting from any claim made against an attorney, or a
21 professional corporation, company, or partnership, shall be
22 $100,000 per attorney covered by the policy, unless a greater
23 minimum amount or limit of coverage is instead established by
24 Rules of Court in which case the policy shall comply with that
25 minimum, but the total amount or limit shall not be required to
26 exceed $5,000,000. The New Jersey Supreme Court may adopt any
27 Rules of Court it deems necessary to implement the purposes of this
28 section.
30 2. This act shall take effect immediately