tamper proof outlets

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Senior Member
when did you start or when will you start using tamper proof outlets in new home construction???
I first installed them in 1983.

But it was per owner request.

As for being required to install them, it depends on when your AHJ adopted (or is going to adopt) the '08, and whether or not the amend 210.12 out of it or modify it.
When my truck stock runs out its only tamper proof from then on. They cost more have more markup and can be sold as new an improved! Ive started to stock some already. Can't find 20 amp duplex receptacles in TR or TR switches....:grin:
Say what?!:-?

Let me see if I can help you.

joke (jk)
1. Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line.
2. A mischievous trick; a prank.
3. An amusing or ludicrous incident or situation.
4. Informal
a. Something not to be taken seriously; a triviality: The accident was no joke.
b. An object of amusement or laughter; a laughingstock: His loud tie was the joke of the office.
v. joked, jok?ing, jokes
1. To tell or play jokes; jest.
2. To speak in fun; be facetious.
To make fun of; tease.
tamper proof switch

tamper proof switch

try breaking the toggle handle off the switch and filling with 2 part epoxy:D
The entire state of GA is supposed to be enforcing this rule, but so far no one is even selling them here. So naturally the inspection dept. sees this as a valid reason to not enforce it.

I've yet to walk into a supply house that sells combo AFCI's also, and they were required per the '05 before the '08 even went into effect here. The big boxes have been selling them for over a year, and that's where I purchase them.

My salesman @ the supply house still doesn't know what they are when I ask about availability.

But back to the original question, I am not installing them because they are not available locally, and its not being enforced, so I'm not going through the extra expense to get them shipped to me when my competitors are not adjusting their prices for them.
I am not installing them because they are not available locally, and its not being enforced, so I'm not going through the extra expense to get them shipped to me when my competitors are not adjusting their prices for them.

It might be nice to be known as the only 'code compliant' Electrical Contractor in your area
I've never installed a Tamper Proof receptacle, but I've installed hundreds of Tamper Resistant receptacles. Sorry, I couldn't resist, TR is the new "Under Counter" light, aka Under Cabinet. Get it?

I think that were the only contractor in the area installing TR receptacles, though, it just isn't enforced like it should be. I like to do the right thing, though. Standard TR devices aren't that much more money, but decora, look out! Anyway, I always have to give a lesson on how to actually plug something in to the outlets to the homeowners, otherwise they always call and complain that they can't plug their toaster in!

20 amp 120 volt TR receptacles are usually available at the box stores, but they are proud of them.
I've never installed a Tamper Proof receptacle, but I've installed hundreds of Tamper Resistant receptacles. Sorry, I couldn't resist, TR is the new "Under Counter" light, aka Under Cabinet. Get it?

Another common mistake is "idiot-proof" -- the correct phase is "idiot-resistant" ;)
The entire state of GA is supposed to be enforcing this rule, but so far no one is even selling them here. So naturally the inspection dept. sees this as a valid reason to not enforce it.

I've yet to walk into a supply house that sells combo AFCI's also, and they were required per the '05 before the '08 even went into effect here. The big boxes have been selling them for over a year, and that's where I purchase them.

My salesman @ the supply house still doesn't know what they are when I ask about availability.

But back to the original question, I am not installing them because they are not available locally, and its not being enforced, so I'm not going through the extra expense to get them shipped to me when my competitors are not adjusting their prices for them.

This also happened with I started failing the #6 and under green and white wire codes. You'd be surprised just how fast a supply house will stock something when his customers can not get a job to pass code. It can happen overnight.
It might be nice to be known as the only 'code compliant' Electrical Contractor in your area

You send a check to cover the difference in price and I'll gladly do it. Because if you think my customers, or even myself, are going to pay it to feel good about ourselves you are mistaken.
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