tap or not

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Is that short distance any more likely to burn building A down than the same distance @ same load is for building B?
No, but the same short distance at both ends is twice as likely to start a fire in one of the two buildings as that distance only at one end.:angel:
I can't recall ever doing any such installation the way I am trying to defend, but other than it conflicts with wording of code, I don't see why it would hurt to do so if a situation came up where you may want to do it that way for some reason.
I already realize that, but what does it hurt to have underprotected conductor for a short length on the supply end...

How is the tap being made physically? The intent may have been to get connections and equipment similar to utility distribution systems. How many utilities bolt connectors to busbars with one-hole mechanical lugs?
It was probably easier to put limitations on the source rather than nit-picking everything concerning a tap that is more likely to get damaged.
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