i would just please like someone to point out the exact code that says i can't even with exceptions.
The section you are trying to use doesn't allow you to do so.
Lets go through it a little more carefully.
210.19(A)(1) tells us the conductor shall have an ampacity not less than the load to be served (you meet this requirement so far)
(A)(2) doesn't apply
(A)(3) doesn't apply
(A)(4) refers us to 210.2 which gives us other articles that may allow differences - your application is not mentioned in 210.12 no further research necessary on this particular road
it does give us a limit of no smaller then 14 AWG (you meet this requirement so far)
Exception does mention taps to luminaires and also sends us to 410.117, which limits us to 18 inches and in suitable raceway or AC/MC cable (sounds like that would be too long for your intended application at the very least)
Second exception if for fixture wires and flexible cords - without looking I'm pretty sure you will not be allowed to use flexible cord that is concealed in building finish and will not pursue flexible cord any further unless you are serious about possibly using it.
Fixture wires? Read art 402.10 and 402.11 and tell us if you think you can use fixture wires from a typical wall switch location to the
luminaire - I don't think so.
I don't see this section specifically permitting what you want to do, has a few paths to follow but each one ends up not allowing it or is eventually nullified by the general overcurrent protection rules in art 240.