Tapcons Vs Powder actuated fastening devices

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dmanda24 said:
Also sometimes the nail would not go in all the way and sometimes it would go through the hole on the one hole strap, are there nails for these guns that have a washer attached?

Even better, there are 1-hole straps with drive pins made on to them
dmanda24 said:
Also sometimes the nail would not go in all the way and sometimes it would go through the hole on the one hole strap, are there nails for these guns that have a washer attached?
The green loads are supposedly for reshot/booster load to drive it in a little more without breaking your wrist. Sometimes you are better off driving through the steel of the strap instead of the 1/4" hole. drive through the steel in the 1900 boxes rather than trying to use the drilled holes. Red loads are heavy, yellow medium.
Thanks a lot for all your comments, I think I am getting over the learning curve as today I worked a lot faster, I think I'm a bit faster than using tapcons, and I've only had two days with it.
dmanda24 said:
Thanks a lot for all your comments, I think I am getting over the learning curve as today I worked a lot faster, I think I'm a bit faster than using tapcons, and I've only had two days with it.
There are 2 different noses for the 36m a round one standard and a narow one which you can get in close on 3/4-1" hat channel. the sides blow out on the narow noses you should always wear eye protection but be especially carreful when using the narrow tip. Did I need to say I have both??
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