Taping Masthead conductors

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New member
Hi all,

Been lurking here for some time, a wealth of knowledge and advice. I finally have something I needed to ask about.

Completely rewiring the 1940s ranch we purchased for my son and family (everything replaced from the meter onward). Had the AHJ Inspector out this week, and passed the rough-in inspection with no issues (actually complimented me on a high-quality job :) ).

He did request that the connections on the mast-head be taped (I never touched them, and they've probably never had tape on them).

I'm understandably nervous about this, but haven't had much luck finding anyone that will come out just to tape these conductors. I've had experience working on live/high-voltage systems, and know enough to know I don't really want to do it if I can help it ;) They are fairly well spaced, so rolling tape around with no contact would be easy enough (other than the butt-puckering), but I couldn't find much information on exactly what sort of tape to use should I do it myself. Looking at the masthead at my house, it almost looks like putty...maybe rubber/mastic type tape ?

Any suggestions appreciated...hoping I can find someone willing to slide by and do it for me for a nominal fee...but otherwise I want to make sure I do it right the first time and never have to go back up there again.

Thanks !
We cannot help you and you should not touch those wires if you are not experienced. Keep searching for someone to do it. Often those wires are frayed and in bad shape and can be dangerous. All they need to do is install a wrap of white electrical marking tape.

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