At our facility we have thousands of feet of TC-ER cable, power and control. But this new installation kind of rubs me the wrong way. Some departments here rather you be concern about equipment in your own department but it going to be addressed, it just not priority. Now that I'm home, I'll better explain my point of view.
Field constructed 480v extension cords or motor pigtails using TC-ER cable seemed to be clearly in violation of Article 336 of the 2014 NEC. I did not mention 480v extension cords in my first post but I see some being used during outages. I really don't want to type the entire text of Art. 336.10(7) and the Exception but I'll hit the high points as I state my position.
Section (7) gives the requirements for installing type TC cable in a situation where the cable might be subject to physical damage:
1. That cable must be TC-ER and have the markings,(the pigtails have the markings)
2. Shall be permitted between a cable tray and the utilization equipment or device. (There is no cable tray in the area,but we have the utilization equipment or device which is the motor. The pigtail is made up in the motor terminal housing on one end and a 480v attachment plug on the other end.)
3. The cable shall be secured not exceeding 6'. (Since the pigtails are only about 3' long, I don't have an issue here)
4. The Cable is to be protected from physical damage using mechanical protection such as struts, angles or channels. (I don't think a closet or room meet the intent of the code, which is where these motors are installed.)
The Exception has similar language but it refers to a situation where the cable is "not subject to physical damage". Still it has the requirement for a cable tray to be in the installation. "shall be permitted to transition between cable trays and between cable trays and utilization equipment". In this installation the cable runs from the motor to the attachment plug, in which I believe is not supported by the code.
I would love to hear the opinions of other readers.