Temporary rough-in panel covers???

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Senior Member
For several years I have used plain sheet metal covers to close up panels for sheet-rock. essentially just a 14 1/4" X xx" piece of sheet metal - usually 16ga sometimes 14ga to fit over the panel with a few holes. (4-6) Then screw it right on as if it were the actual cover - which gets stored until trim. Yes - sometimes these panels are hot, and contain OCP in use...

My question is - is there a violation in it - if so what?
neither is the plastic that the painters use to cover the open bussbars after the drywallers have removed the cover and left it in a closet somewhere.
I have often wondered why panel manufactures have never made a "paint cover" for flush mount panels, over time we had many problems with mudders, and painters taking off our panel covers and painting the inside of the panel, also many of these panels are energized, which this exposes the workers to live parts. I know Square D has a cut out on the box for the cover, but trust me, it wont last till the job is finnished as it gets taken off everytime a breaker is tripped by a worker.
I think a cheep plastic cover with breaker opening K/Os would go along way.

The funny thing is that most other manufactures who supply devices for mounting in painted areas will supply a paint/dust cover, even smoke detectors which in most cases are not even installed till after it is painted.:confused:
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Here's my solution.. a custom-made receptacled cover:





I have often wondered why panel manufactures have never made a "paint cover" for flush mount panels,

Here a go:


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It , the sheet metal, is not ul listed for that purpose.
Where does it say it needs to be? 312.10 says same material as the box and so thick, and 314.41 says same material as the box, OR lined, OR listed...

480 - I LOVE IT! A little more than what I do - a simple sheet of steel - but that is cool...

Anyway what I was expecting was 'readily accesible' for the OCP or sumtin???
Looks great! What if you have a shorter panel?

I always install the same panels.... 40-spacers.

.....................480 - I LOVE IT! A little more than what I do - a simple sheet of steel - but that is cool...

Anyway what I was expecting was 'readily accesible' for the OCP or sumtin???

The breakers feeded the receps are accessible. They stay with the temp cover and move from tub to tub.
My next step is to make a horizontal cut across it just above the receps and install a piano hinge. This way, I don't have the cover hanging off the wires when I take it off to work in it.... I can just lay the top half of the cover down and land my home runs.

The overall dimensions are the same as the tub. So it can stay right in place during the sheetrockers work.
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The breakers feeded the receps are accessible. They stay with the temp cover and move from tub to tub.
My next step is to make a horizontal cut across it just above the receps and install a piano hinge. This way, I don't have the cover hanging off the wires when I take it off to work in it.... I can just lay the top half of the cover down and land my home runs.

I was gonna do a piano hinge on one side... No outlets etc - but that is a neat idea.

Anyway - do you think the the OCP even needs to be 'readily accessible' for temp installs?
Don't some panels have an outline to cut out on the cardboard box to use as a temporary cover?
I think most do now - but they hardly stand up to much. I often don't see them once I leave them, and if I do they're pretty tattered to the point of not doing much to protect the panel, or anyone from it...
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