Matt Mckenzie
- Location
- United States
Is it against code to run a 250 foot piece of UF on top of the ground where there is no traffic for temporary power to a residential project?
Is it against code to run a 250 foot piece of UF on top of the ground where there is no traffic for temporary power to a residential project?
Is it against code to run a 250 foot piece of UF on top of the ground where there is no traffic for temporary power to a residential project?
It's a judgement call based on physical damage.
We would likely sleeve it in PVC.
OP: UF is covered in 340-
340.12 Uses not permitted
(10) Where subject to physical damage
Temp is covered in 590-
Protection from Accidental damage.
"Flexible cords and cables shall be protected from accidental damage.
Sharp corners and projections shall be avoided.Where passing through doorways or other pinch points, protection shall be provided to prevent damage."
As iwire suggested, sleeve it.
Sleeving it at grade level (on the ground) violates 300.5
I am going to disagree. 300.5 applies to underground conduits only, not conduits on grade.
can sch 40 PVC be installed where subject to damage?
Just because a PVC is laid on the ground does not mean it is subject to damage.
That is a judgement call by the AHJ.
Would it be more or less subject to damage than a rubber cord run across the ground per 590?
No, however, here, on the homes I've wired, 90 days is a pipe dream. You can unplug those cords every 89 days (or every night when copper scrap prices are high) then reinstall them; can or WILL you do that with UF or conduit?
590.3 Time Constraints.
(A) During the Period of Construction. Temporary electric
power and lighting installations shall be permitted during
the period of construction, remodeling, maintenance,
repair, or demolition of buildings, structures, equipment, or
similar activities.
W/o knowing more of the OP's install, I cannot comment further, except to say that other trades are NOT going to respect/notice your UF on the ground. They wont respect extension cords either, fwiw, however that is on the various trades, not the EC, should they get mangled or tripped over.
Is it against code to run a 250 foot piece of UF on top of the ground where there is no traffic for temporary power to a residential project?
can sch 40 PVC be installed where subject to damage?
Just because a PVC is laid on the ground does not mean it is subject to damage.
That is a judgement call by the AHJ.
Would it be more or less subject to damage than a rubber cord run across the ground per 590?
No, however, here, on the homes I've wired, 90 days is a pipe dream. You can unplug those cords every 89 days (or every night when copper scrap prices are high) then reinstall them; can or WILL you do that with UF or conduit? [
Yes, more labor, but man...
The first time any machinery rolls over that PVC, it's done. Maybe other trades are more respectful/less idiotic elsewhere. The framers alone are going to run forklifts around every sq ft of that property to get trusses in place.
That is why you put temp service away from the house, let the builders run their own cords to it. If they damage them it is not really your problem.![]()
IF stringing UF along the ground will fly with the OP's inspector, dont be surprised if you have to go out there 3 or 4 times and repair/replace the run while the house is under construction. Even barricading off that section with stakes and hi-vis plastic orange fencing is no guarantee the forklift driver wont take a shortcut right over your UF. .
Any site I've been on the carpenters build stands to keep the cords elevated to a certain height above grade.