Test question. General lighting load demand.

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West Virginia
Hi, I have been struggling with this question.
A multi family building has a total general lighting load of 130kw. What is the calculated general lighting load?
Art 220.42 I have the answer from the back of the book of 45.94kw.
I can’t get this problem to work out.
I can't get there either. I am highly suspicious of an answer that has two significant digits to the right of the decimal place. Starting with a number as high as 130kW, any of the demand factors I know how to use would give you results in whole numbers. I think the person who wrote that question has made an error.,
I can't get there either. I am highly suspicious of an answer that has two significant digits to the right of the decimal place. Starting with a number as high as 130kW, any of the demand factors I know how to use would give you results in whole numbers. I think the person who wrote that question has made an error.,
Re-read table 220.42.
Is it really 120,000?
I tell my students to write in "next 117,00" on the 35% line to avoid that mistake.
Thank you all. 117,000 makes sense to me.This has to be the right way to do this problem. This was a practice test for WV electrical contractors. 46.45kw was not an answer that’s why I kept getting confused.
Reread the table. (2017)
First 3000 at 100%
From 3001 to 120,000 at 35%
Remainder over 120,000 at 25%


Divide by 1,000 to get your k.
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