Thanks George

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Senior Member
Staff member
Logan, Utah
I would like to take a moment to Thank George Stolz for the fantastic job that he has done this past year as Chief Moderator.

I just hope that I will be able to do as good a job as he and the other Moderators that have sereved as Chief have done.

Thanks again George.

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I second this, George did a great job! Granted, I have no Idea what he did.
Cause, the forum members never see the posts that are removed by the MODS. :grin::grin::grin:
Yes, Thank You George for a fabulous job this year. On the surface the forum seems to run almost flawlessly, that's something that takes quite a bit of work behind the scenes by the chief moderator, et al. :cool:
You and I may have had a couple of run-ins, but we both have gotten past them and now can enjoy the results of your good work. Thanks for the year of hard work.;)

To the moderators here who are underpaid and work diligently to keep this site what it is, Thanks to You all as well. :cool:
Yeah thanks George. I don't know where we'd be without you but I'd probably have to learn to like tea and talk like a goober.

My extreme gratitude to George for all his work behind the scenes, and trust me there are things he was taking care of.

My condolences to Chris for being both a Raiders fan and the tough decisions he will have to make in the year to come. I have no doubt that Chris will be fair to all and do his best to maintain the great forum we have enjoy.:)
George thanks for all the hard work and for helping all of us.

to Chris congratulations and hope that 2010 will bring you much success as chief Moderator. you have a difficult task and wish you th best of luck in your new role as chief moderator.
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