The best surface raceway?

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Senior Member
I hate using wiremold and the like but sometimes it is the best option. What is the easiest to use, best looking.... stuff in this category that you have ever used?
I hate using wiremold and the like but sometimes it is the best option. What is the easiest to use, best looking.... stuff in this category that you have ever used?

I agree some of their stuff is trash. The whole industry needs to be reinvented. Especially the larger 4000 & 6000. Close to junk. All the schools spec it out for power and communication.
Wiremold has it's place. The more you work with it the easier it becomes still not fun for some. Where you can't get in the wall (concrete,tile etc.) your choices are limited to wiremold or a conduit system then it's a matter of esthetics.
MonoSystems is by far the best surface raceway ever made.

Just kidding! In fact, I'd say it's actually the worst surface raceway ever made. :mad:
What if you are on block walls?

The cells are generally open :D

If not, punch thru and run conduit ouside :grin:

I'll do anything to avoid wiremold.:cool:

I tell them "cut and patch or learn to like conduit".
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