The Flooring Guys

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EC, Westchester, New York NEC: 2014
Hawthorne, New York NEC: 2014
Another situation I am just reminded of. What do you do about flooring guys who insist on connecting their floor sander to the service before the main with SO cord and aligator clips? This has been standard practice around here for as long as I can remember.

They come on the job, remove the panel cover, clip onto the lugs with no OCP on their 100 feet of 10/2 SO cord. One time I provided a temporary circuit for them but they refused to use it- "the machine will not run right". I explained that one nick in that cord and its going to burn right back to the panel. I hope their insurance is up to date!

Re: The Flooring Guys

Hal, if they were here a call to the AHJ would solve the problem.

I don't know how strong OSHA is in you area but they would probably be interested.

Re: The Flooring Guys

You can complain 'til you're blue in the face but they're still going to come out to houses with their "clip-on" machines. It's either clip on or don't do the job. The sad part is that they don't even come prepared to "plug in" their machines. This is standard practice for them. Most homeowners don't have the proper receptacle for them to plug into anyway, so they've just become accustomed to "clipping on". I don't know what we (our industry) can do to correct this ongoing problem. We'll just have to wait until someone gets blown up and have it publicized on the evening news in order for people to realize how dangerous this practice is.

While we're on the subject of unscrupulous behavior, anyone ever run into those siding guys that pull the meter pans off the sides of houses with their claw hammers ? And leave the mounting screws dangling inside, centimeters from the live lugs ?
Re: The Flooring Guys

A picture and certified mail to local it with todays newspaper in picture if possible.Notify the super also.Now it is out of your hands with exception of billing the for re inspecting your system that they opened.I think $100 should be enough to get attention of the company president.Might send a copy to the news paper too or local news TV.They are beyond STUPID
Re: The Flooring Guys

Hey Goldstar, talking about siding Guys have you ever noticied vinyl siding being applied with THREE INCH nails. These things will reach to the center of a 2x4 and get the romex. I heard of an electrician that found one drove through the back of his panel and into the bus. It was found the next working day when the main was turned back on. That gives a whole new meaning to "Vinyl is FINAL"
Re: The Flooring Guys

I can't tell you how many times I've found siding nails driven right through the backs of breaker panels that were set in flush inside a garage. It was pure luck that they missed the buss bar. That's about the time the siding guy should go out and buy a lottery ticket !!!
Re: The Flooring Guys

At an X company (we have parted) i was often told by my boss to replace that 50 amp 2pole gfci with reg. breaker because the floor guys sander would trip it.He knew this is illegal but wanted to keep the GC happy for more work.
From there side of fence i understand that not only is there a trip problem but no standard receptacle available.Yes they could and should have a sparky make adapters.They are taking a cheap way out.Maybe not so cheap with funerals at $8000.
I would rather let the floor guy electricute himself then be a part of this.AHJ can not do much to stop illegal use of equipment.OSHA could but when they find out the floor guy did this it is because he is dead.On homes with hardwood floor there should be a super and part of his job is safety.But then i recently was on a job where the carpenters openly smoked in plain view of the super.Now there is a real nasty situation because i am forced to wire with a bunch of pot heads around me.And no i can't leave if i want the job.
Re: The Flooring Guys

Originally posted by jimwalker:
i was often told by my boss to replace that 50 amp 2pole gfci with reg. breaker because the floor guys sander would trip it.He knew this is illegal
Jim what code rule makes it required?
Re: The Flooring Guys

Bob it is required here that our T poles have gfci protection on both the 20 amp 120 recepts and the 50 amp.Now if this floor guy is working in a house that has service on then maybe he is ok.But just where would he plug into?
Re: The Flooring Guys

Jim look at the NEC for GFCI protection on 50 amp outlets.

There are options, make sure the grounding is intact and the floor guy can run his machine from a regular breaker.

Not that it matters his floor machine should run from a GFCI or it has a problem.
Re: The Flooring Guys

Bob i agree that if it trips a gfci it needs worked on.The way it is down here we only have T poles on new homes under constuction.Now if i remove a gfci breaker for that floor guy what happens when he leaves ?
Re: The Flooring Guys

Jim as this is different from around here I need to ask what the 50 amp breaker usually feeds?

I do not think I have ever provided a 50 amp GFCI outlet on a construction site.
Re: The Flooring Guys

Bob our needs here are growing with subs using so many air tools.Compressors are a biggy and often we need to provide more than 1 120 volt gfci receptacle.
The idea of using hammer and nails is long gone.It was tried a bit south of here to turn service on to houses under construction but the misuse and higher risk has stopped that i believe.Will check on that next time i visit Naples.
Re: The Flooring Guys

Jim all I am asking is what is the 50 amp outlet for?

I am aware that hammers and nails are in the past. :D

The temp services we install run from 200 amp 240 volt single phase up to 1000 amp 480 volt 3 phase.

600 to 800 amps 3 phase 480 is most common, still no 50 amp GFCI protected outlets. :D
Re: The Flooring Guys

For as far back as i can remember it has been a standard down here even before the gfci.Was nice before the gfci as we could hot check easy.Other than for a compressor i dought anyone needs it
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