The Four Golden Rules of Contracting

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wbalsam1 said:
You know, come to think of it....maybe that's why I had so many problems with electrical work, and why the old ladies took a "shine" to me.....:grin: :grin:

I never actually drank mine, beyond having a sip and giving it back to my friend. Man, was it wretched. If you drank yours, well, you were just asking for old lady problems. :)
After going inside I found a elderly women eating cat food to get herself by and make ends meet. Wouldn't you know it ,a week before Christmas This Elderly woman found in her heart to bake me cookies and deliver them to me for helping her. I have no idea how she paid for them but felt obligated to accept them for her effort.
Did you have an uncontrollable urge to purrr and chase mice after eating the cookies?

Sorry I just couldn't resist. :)
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