The really tough part of managing

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Copper....i am still eagerly awaiting your response to my spite of the naysayers who are advocating getting rid of the guy, thinking he is untrainable..........lemme guess......all who have responded could bend a perfect saddle or offset the first time out with no direction.........all you needed were the inches, correct???

nope..but you cant teach someone who dosent care enough to bring his tools without being told. Those guys show up looking for the exit door first thing every morning,money better spent on someone who wants a career.
Who Says!

Who Says!

The host of the Forum has just released a newletter article on the Subject!

Here, March 8 th.

It's just amazing to me all the time the things this Man is into...

I wish I had half the drive, or a better compass at times ;) !!!
Even though my main skills are in plumbing/HVAC, looking back now,I'm glad Dad put my brother and I to work when we caught up on our chores on jobsites with the electricians, bricklayers, roofers, and carpenters. If I had to, I could work in any of those trades without a whole lot of problem is I'm getting too old tho!
You Already Know the Answer

You Already Know the Answer

If the person, is not doing the job AND cannot be assigned another job to do which he can perform properly. Do not take personal, your job is to get the job in on time and in budget. If someone is not pulling thier weight, they are NOT helping the cause. Your head knows the answer and you are using too much heart in that decision. Emotion should not be part of a logical conclustion, as it muddies the water. It is what it is, a part of the job.

Have a great day out there everyone and BE AWARE, it takes only a millisecond or incorrect action to cause injury or death.

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