The Traveling "Electrician"

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Senior Member
New York
Master Elec./JW retired
well, I've Been Every Where, and part of that
is a result of I'm Broke Every Week, and there
isn't any work nearby.

the only reasons to travel are massive overtime,
active wants and warrants, and no other options.

doing it in a structured labor situation provides no
incentive beyond the locally negotiated agreement.

doing it as an agent of an out of area contractor, is
a whole 'nother thing. the last time i did that for someone,
was in the late 1980's, as a foreman for a local area
contractor. it was worth it at the time. in fact, it was great.

but, i had two jobs running at the same time. one in modesto,
and one in fresno. one on day shift, and one on swing shift.
they are located 100 miles apart.

get up at 5 am, drive 100 miles to fresno. work till 1pm.
drive 100 miles back to modesto, work till 1 am. sleep
in modesto till 5 am. drive to fresno, start work.....

six days a week. for five months. i was on the clock from
five am, to one am, six days a week. yes, i was compensated
well. 30 years later, i still wince when i remember what that
five months felt like.

i even had a theme song from that time. i'd listen to it a lot
driving up and down highway 99.

Haha, we say Wednesday (Week).
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