Re: then/than
American English is one of the most confusing languages for spelling. Spelling was basically started by caveat in the early 19th century. some words were kept close to their origins and others were Americanized. It was worse than if we just had the "I" building codes that were localized for one area and the whole country was supposed to follow them. Just keep adding exceptions and more exceptions.
It is an extremely adaptable language, but as has been seen here often, precise definitions often have problems with correct exclusions and inclusions. Some words do such multitasking that their use almost insures problems.
Why I am not bothered by others' misuse is that many use language to seperate themselves from others. Yalies can tell other Yalies or at least an uppercrust education and business deals can depend on this familiarity. It is a way of excluding "lesser" people, and i find it ethically problematic.
As far as the kids are concerned, sure some of them are barely literate, but others have so much more to deal with then when I was a wee lad. We have handed them a hostile and insecure world, where a "b" or "c" can ruin college chances. I got in UCB on my own with a 3.0 or so in the 60's. now that is so not possible. Kids with expectations can't afford to get bad grades, which means that they can't take chances which means we have robbed them of their childhood, and we blame them for the f'd up educational system, for low expectations. I personally think many of them are just great. The college bound kids are taking math courses that were not taught when I was in high school ( calc. was not taught in high school).
When I was a kid, i scavenged building materials to build whatever, I could ride my bike almost everywhere and that was LA, I could take my bike apart and put it back together, from the bearings on up. So tell me me you wonders of parenthood where is the area that you provide to your kids to dismantle their bikes, with hands on training by you, where is this safe world, where is this room to play and experiment. Where is the acceptance and room for error.
This my pet peeve, but I will get off my soap box and accept that there is the other side.