These locknuts were installed by ________!

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I edited and can't add a grin.
All youse ordenery folkx (non-mooderaters) has sum limits on duin editing. But whence your there, try hitten the "Go Advanced" link. Youse mite be hable ter add sum grins then. :grin:
Originally Posted by SEO
I think that Georges term as Chief Moderator may be over and a new Top will be named. Just guessing.

The moderators got together and we all agreed that the first person to guess that right would get the job. Congratulations! :grin:

Am I that invisible? Not that I want the job but please see post # 13. Charlie could you add a few grins for me? LOL :grin::grin::grin:
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I can't say I've never done that, but only when I'm putting lock-nuts on the inside of an enclosure and I only have two or three threads to bite onto, but then I'll bang the heck out of them to get them super tight. This just looks like a newbie mistake.

What does the sizable mass of old molded pressed milk curd do that regular cheeses don't?
So you gonna tell who is gonna be The Big Cheese, or do we have to sit and wait, guessing until the end of the year?
It's under discussion. But Mike and Belynda Holt have to approve the assignment, and that has not yet happened.

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