Thinking of moving need advice

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Hey guys sorry if this isnt the right forum but there wasn't really a fitting forum. I am thinking of Moving to New hampshire from NC to be closer to family. I grew up in Maine but do not really want to move there. New Hampshire has no sales tax and it seems the cost of living may be a little better.

North Carolina is a right to work state so the union is not very strong down here.

How does the union work up there?

Also what would the best part of New Hampshire be to live and work?

I am going for my electrical license here in NC saturday and know that if I move, it may not be transferable but I am gonna go ahead and do it anyway.

I would appreciate some help I have never picked up and moved like this. I own a house here and have lived and worked here for 10 yrs but I miss my family and the North. Thanks guys
Hey guys sorry if this isnt the right forum but there wasn't really a fitting forum. I am thinking of Moving to New hampshire from NC to be closer to family. I grew up in Maine but do not really want to move there. New Hampshire has no sales tax and it seems the cost of living may be a little better.

North Carolina is a right to work state so the union is not very strong down here.

How does the union work up there?

Also what would the best part of New Hampshire be to live and work?

I am going for my electrical license here in NC saturday and know that if I move, it may not be transferable but I am gonna go ahead and do it anyway.

I would appreciate some help I have never picked up and moved like this. I own a house here and have lived and worked here for 10 yrs but I miss my family and the North. Thanks guys

When was the last time you lived around here?

If the idiots currently in charge (actually they are all idiots) in the house have their way here NH will become a Right To Work For Less state, very soon. The Governor vetoed it, but a few are still pushing the override. I digress, as this is not meant to be political.:rant:

Don't fret about the sales tax, its coming in the next few years, property taxes are crazy, I live in one of the highest property tax rate towns paying $24.75 per $1000. Schools are half of that, and I don't have kids.

But, I do like living here, it is nice.

The best place to live in NH? Well do you want to live in city or a cabin in the woods? We got both. As for work, Nashua and Salem are right on the MA boarder and the lends itself to being busier and paying more and the cost of living is higher. Of course Manchester and Concord are the two big "cities" Portsmouth is very nice to live in, if you can afford to, as the properties are $, but taxes are reasonable. You would need to be more specific as to what you want out of moving here.

Whatever you do, buy a house now, property values are flat to slightly up, its the right time to buy a house that would fit you, if you have the ability to.

PS, a lot of one and two man shops here charge $50hr, and that is a profit and business killing rate, unless you like hot dogs over steak.
Where are you in NC? I can tell you that union jobs are pretty scarce everywhere and that moving to NH would not likely be a plus for employment.
Ok I can be more specific. I want to live some where in NH where I will have a good secure job. I would need a house with a descent size yard since I have four dogs.

With the little research I have done so far I really like the looks of Manchester. It is with in 3 hrs of my family in Maine, it is the largest city in NH and I found a few good reviews of the city.

I do not really care if I work for the union or not. As long as it is descent pay and a steady job.

As long as I can make a comfortable living and live closer to family I will be happy.

What is the average salary for a licensed and non licensed Electrician in NH. Thanks guys.
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Research the job market before you make the move. Jobs are hard to come

by. Yes, might be a good time to buy a house. Can you sell the one you have ?

nfire said that $50/hr was the going rate. Not very profitable . Which state has

the better fly fishing ? Think long & hard about all the plus & minus of each

location. You are a professional, WE don't want you to have to flip burgers.

Get all your ducks in a row. Best of luck to you.
Thinking of moving

Thinking of moving

I think the key to living in NH is being able to be move around a bit. I live in NH but most of my work is in Ma these days.
I know the question about the union is broad but that is mainly because I have no clue how it works. Down here there are a lot of electrical companys all working independently. Up there Do you either work for the union or a independent company or is it all union. Forgive my ignorance but I have no clue.

As far as the best place to live being where ever you find work, that is very true. I know the south is the place to be but my family is not in the south.

I am in no rush I am just trying to get all the info I can. The biggest hurdle I think is going to be selling my house. Thanks for all the replys so far.
If you have four dogs a big yard in machester is doable, but its gonna cost more of course. If driving isn't too much, and city living isn't required consider Raymond, epping, Brentwood, candia, Deerfield, Nottingham. Not sure about property costs but Hudson is right on boarder. All of these are not too rural.

The ibew local is 103.

If, you want steady work and better pay, you want to work for a firm that does a lot of work in MA.
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