Thoughts on permitted/not permitted

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Not pretty at all! LOL! Usually there is enough room in those enclosures you can put everything in it’s own box, and just pipe together, I don’t like everything open like that, but it is pretty common.
I'm in enclosures 8 feet high and 15 feet long packed full of 480v crap that looks much worse than that every day
Ok, my responses so far may have been a bit rhetorical. Let me be more straightforward.

AFAIK this sort of thing isn't explicitly prohibited by code. It is a little crude, and arguably not best practice. But it's not clearly against code.
I agree with your 'not best practices' comment for sure but as many have stated in this thread seems pretty common.
Thanks for your insight and opinion. Much appreciated!
Hope it's not live. Did Hayden install it, LOL. Sorry saw you were from Hazleton and had to ask ;).

Yeah I'm in there with it live, somebody has to troubleshoot it.

I don't know who installed it, most of it is at least 25 years old. Did you know George Hayden died a few years ago. He had parkinson's pretty bad
Hope it's not live. Did Hayden install it, LOL. Sorry saw you were from Hazleton and had to ask ;).

Yeah I'm in there with it live, somebody has to troubleshoot it.

I don't know who installed it, most of it is at least 25 years old. Did you know George Hayden died a few years ago. He had parkinson's pretty bad
Gee... I did not actually know he had passed. We still do work with them on a Lot of Hazleton Area School District projects but I was not aware of that. Thanks for letting me know and for sharing the obituary. God bless his soul.
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