Three-way Switch

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Senior Member
Re: Three-way Switch

Check out what Bensonelectric did with Paint.


I use MS Publiser but I here the new office programs have the same capabilities. Takes some time to learn to use the graphics features though.


Senior Member
Gaithersburg MD
Teacher - Master Electrician - 2017 NEC
Re: Three-way Switch

I still don't see it. We were talking series. As long as all the bulbs have the same wattage, or resistance the bightness will be the same. Assuming we forget the smallest little VD on larger circuits which is probably not noticable in bulb brightness.

If there is a 120 volt source and 10 lights in series then each light will drop 12 volts the total VD will equal the source voltage. We know the resistance in the bulbs is the same thus the VD of each is the same and if the VD and resistance is the same then the current consumed is the same. = Same brightness. Again forgetting the smallest VD drop in the wire going from bulb to bulb.


Senior Member
Re: Three-way Switch

Imagine one light all by itself.

Then imagine two more lights.

Those are connected in series with each other.

Now imagine that those two lights in series get their power from the same point as the first light.

Edit: If what I said doesn't match Wayne's drawing ( :D )(sorry Wayne) it's because I might not be describing the same senario.

[ July 13, 2005, 08:27 PM: Message edited by: physis ]


Senior Member
Gaithersburg MD
Teacher - Master Electrician - 2017 NEC
Re: Three-way Switch


After rereading the above posts I now see that we are no longer talking about a standard series circuit. I see your drawing actually shows a Series Parallel. That would then explain why 1 of the 3 is brighter. That Bulb would be in parallel with 1 and 2. If this were the case then bulb 3 would would not be slightly brighter but twice as bight as 1 and 2. :)


Senior Member
Re: Three-way Switch

Thanks Sam I have a few programs I use to layout schematics with and I'm going to play around with them and see if I can keep the size down for posting on here. :D

Mike I have done a lot of wiring diagrams just off of sequence of operation text and with the original poster I just went by what he described and the results he had, to come up with the above diagram. :D


Senior Member
Re: Three-way Switch

Wayne, I saw that you're using photobucket and there's a real easy to use editing function to change the size. Unfortunately it only reduces and you can't undo a shrink. But It's still handy.

Edit: Error A.

[ July 13, 2005, 10:33 PM: Message edited by: physis ]


Senior Member
Re: Three-way Switch

Sorry George I didn't think anyone would be using an Apple for the internet? :D

But just for you so you can get a good laugh :D



Senior Member
Re: Three-way Switch

It's pretty cool, I hadn't thought of it before but that Mac puts him in an unusual position.

This'll probably be the expression on his face when he see's we can pass images back and forth that he can't see.

:D :D


Senior Member
Re: Three-way Switch

That actually sounds pretty good. C[=] :)

Edit: George is already in bed.

[ July 14, 2005, 12:57 AM: Message edited by: physis ]
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