Tightening Torque for Screws

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you could employ something like the following http://www.torqueleader.com/Product_Selection/Product_selector/Product_Selection/Calibrate/PETA_Torque_Analyser

to regularly calibrate it, if you have a critical application (assembling satellites ?)

how often it needs to be calibrated depends on the conditions of use, how critical the use is, frequency of use, and precision of use (and how carefully the tool is used)

you would need to decide on what level of quality control you desire to determine how often it needs to be calibrated, and also how you want to go about calibrating it.

I only use mine for simple stuff like screwing in breakers, so I check it once in a while with another more accurate wrench, and I figure if its +/- 5 ft lbs its probably ok (or at least its better than not using it at all)

Pierre, if you are asking me, I am referring to a handheld torque screwdriver. I have a 3/8'" torque rachet drive that I use if I have to redo a service. I have another friend that uses torque mark/paint that I am considering using. I haven't used it yet, and I know my local inspector will question it. I really like the idea, but I don't know anyone locally who uses it, we'll see how it goes. I figure I could use it at the meter line and load side and at the main.

Anyone else here use it? Why not?
He's messing with you! Check your post. You stated 20-50lb and that's pretty big for a screwdriver.:grin: Small typo, hey?
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