benaround said:
So one man out works three ( 3x40=120) but he hasn't had a 40hr week in
months? Must be that new math….
I pay him for 40 hours, if he were working alone it would be a grin and bare it type of deal, but he is a foreman and should behave as a leader. As I have already stated the math works out in his favor. Also one of the reasons he gets General Forman’s pay, and a truck is because he out produces the others. Hence the heart burn.
…I find some people can't put themselves in another persons' shoes. They
would have no problem " tracking " an employee, but if it happened to them
they would be outraged!!! Hence, the asinine comment. I guess you just missed the point…
I did not miss the point at all, perhaps you should consider my shoes, as “The Man” I risk everything, I sometimes work for nothing, and I have only myself to answer to, and if I am lucky, I make a little money doing it.
However when I worked for “The Man” by the hour , my time and location belonged to him, because I rented that to him for a agreed upon amount of money, if he chose to monitor me while I was on his time, it was not my concern. What he did with his time was also of no concern to me what so ever.
…trust the people and they will be trustworthy, I know this because it is the way that I ran more than one business, and at the same time, and had the most loyal and intuitive employees' you'll ever find.
Sorry, but not all people are trust worthy. Sure some are, but the head in the sand approach has bitten me before, and I cant afford to lose this and everyone’s job with blind optimism.
The longer I am a contractor the less I seem to trust people in general, but it could be worse...I could be a cop.