Timer circuit for car engine block heater

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Hey, CF - don't make it too attractive or they'll all want to move up here!

Don't forget to tell them about the wonderful well water in Fbx. around Esther (it has enough arsnic to make you sick)

and at -50,the ice fog at intersections (you wait for it to clear before you can see 50 ft in front of you)

and mosquitoes that bite through jeans

or in June the sunlight that gets into your eyes as you are driving around town (at 10:30 pm).

or the fantastic northern lights,

But that's up north. Around LosAnchorage you have traffic, gangs, and air polution (just the other day we were complaining that we couldn't see the mountains 40 miles away very clearly).:)
Hey, CF - don't make it too attractive or they'll all want to move up here!

Don't forget to tell them about the wonderful well water in Fbx. around Esther (it has enough arsnic to make you sick)

and at -50,the ice fog at intersections (you wait for it to clear before you can see 50 ft in front of you)

and mosquitoes that bite through jeans

or in June the sunlight that gets into your eyes as you are driving around town (at 10:30 pm).

or the fantastic northern lights,

But that's up north. Around LosAnchorage you have traffic, gangs, and air polution (just the other day we were complaining that we couldn't see the mountains 40 miles away very clearly).:)

Sounds really cool or is that COLD.
Do you need to heat your frig ?
It's all relative. I've visited in Charleston, SC in the summer and the heat and humidity about killed me. I've learned over the years that if you live in an area for a year, and see all the seasons, you can find something that is attractive (although for the life of me, I can't see how people enjoy living in mega cities like LA). The desert country north of Phoenix has a strange beauty, and so does the Artic slope (although up there in June or July the bugs could darn near carry you away), and I've seen 18 wheelers on the haul road to Prudhoe look like ants, the mountains dwarf them so. As to the cold, well it makes good press, but it's liveable - I actually prefer the Fairbanks or interior Alaska cold to that of the Anchorage or south-central area because the interior is dry in the winter and for some reason the higher humidity makes it seem colder. I guess the moral of the story is that Sparky's can thrive in any environment!
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